Fifty Eight |

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Fifty Eight:

"I don't believe that," I whispered, hot tears blurring my vision as bile burned my throat.

He shrugged dunking his pants back into the pond we found a few hundred meters away in the exhibit. After our...incident with the wolves, silence had fallen over us like lost leaves in the winter. I had said nothing up to this point – my brain was trying to decode Sebastian's words like he hadn't spoken clear as day.

Despite my vomit being free of food (it had been a while since we've last eaten) he still wished to rid the pungent scent from his remaining clothing. So, instead of going straight for the remaining herb, he led us to the pond he had supposedly heard on our way.

"I don't believe that," I repeated louder – I wanted him to respond.

To admit somehow, he was wrong.

He sighed, pausing his laundry to glance over at me, "What do you want to hear from me love? What would the ears of subject zero like to hear? You know it's logical. Around us we can see the virus changing even without Maxwell's meddling. If it's true then everything we thought we knew was wrong."

"Don't call me that," I snarled, anger boiling inside me.

Those crimson eyes rolled, "Love I'm not trying to fight, I want you to understand the potential this means you have – for bad or good. You're the first, the strongest and the most potent agent when it comes to Lyssasolanum which also means you're our last hope."

"What does that mean?"

He smirked ranging out his pants, "The virus started with you, as did the cure. The illicit were only possible because of your blood. Maybe we could do the same and make everyone immune. It won't stop the zoms from attacking but it would stop innocent people from turning."


His words brought hope.

We could make innocent people immune. I could help save Cam and Jax and everyone in the Town of Roses from the potential of being turned. If that was possible maybe I could even find a cure to fight the virus – I could save Cerci. I could save all the infected and restore life to this dead land.

"We need to find a scientist – or a doctor, someone who could make a cure," I gasped hope and excitement blooming inside my heart, "Maxwell worked with a lot of people. Maybe we could find one of those that are left – a good guy."

"You want to find a co-worker of Maxwell?" he questioned slowly, getting out of the pond.

I nodded, thinking of my own dad, "They weren't all bad. Some were good, and had good intentions. They can't be all dead Sebastian, they can't all be evil. We could fucking save this world."

Sebastian frowned, "Come on, we should get the Larix and get out of here."

"Sure, sure," I smiled, looking up towards the sky, "Do you know which way to go?"


He pulled the soaking pants back on and grabbed his bag. I followed after him with a skip in my step. I don't think I had ever been this happy – this hopeful in years. I giggled to myself, I would just save the world, no pressure.

Sebastian led us through the trees, constantly glancing at me. I however, was too happy to think much of it. I'm sure he wasn't as hopeful as I was but I would prove him wrong. Although, I was sure his mood sucked also due to him losing a shirt and now wearing soaking wet pants.

Another thing to giggle at.

"Hey psycho, less giggling and more walking," he called back to me.

My eyes rolled, "Keep your soaking pants on, I'm moving."

However, to keep his sanity, I moved quicker to catch up with his quick pace. My feet weaved after him in and out bamboo stalks, my skirt catching on branches here and there. Very soon however, the beautiful tree came into sight.

I paused slightly, looking at the almost pine tree. It was definitely taller, and the needles seemed lighter, softer. My eyes scanned up and down the tree wondering what part of this colossal beauty would be the 'Larix' – the needles maybe? I know dad really liked boiled pine needle tree – he said it calmed his mind, and helped fend off colds.

"Do you see any cones?" Sebastian asked from the other side of the tree.

I blinked, my eyes then looking for pinecones. Spotting a few on lower hanging branches, I reached up snagging a few. Behind me, branches crunched and I froze. Sebastian moved to my side of the tree before cursing softly.

"I think this zoo has many animal problems. Get that blade ready," he whispered beside me.

I turned slowly, my eyes widening at the beast in front of us. Or rather, the panda that stood on all fours in front of us. Instantly I could see its muscle moving under it's fur. I couldn't tell if it was going to attack us or watch us but I wasn't going to take any chances.

My fingers itched towards my blade as the beast continued to stare at us. A moment went by, I could practically hear a clock ticking in my mind. The beast took a step towards us and my hand found my blade – unsheathing it, moving with lightening speed while swinging towards its skull.

And yet in the corner of my eye, I saw something that made me freezing.

A tiny ball of white and black rolled over to us. A tiny panda sat looking up at me with wide, black eyes as I held my blade to it's parents skull. Then the little beast swatted at my shoes, nipping at Sebastian's laces.

I sighed softly, slowly putting away my sword.

"We should go," I whispered.

Sebastian nodded.

We backed up against the tree – careful of the little panda. The tiny bear seemed bored of us, and turned towards it's parent with no worry for our appearance. In the time it's parent was distracted, we moved silently to the other side of the tree before creeping away.

When I turned towards Sebastian, I caught a small smile on his face.

We walked in silence, Sebastian seemed in a much better mood than before. Although he didn't speak, the new silence was most definitely lighter. Whatever he had realized when we saw those beautiful bears, was something he hadn't before. I wondered about that, but I didn't want to question anything he wasn't sure about.

I didn't want to ruin his current happiness.

"Once we get to the truck, we'll wait an hour then leave. We need to get these herbs back as soon as possible," he said softly after a while, "How are you doing love?"

I glanced over at him, wanting to be careful, "Good – how about you?"

"Good, very good actually."

A smile pulled onto my face, "You like bears?"

Those crimson eyes turned to me before his smile mirrored my own, "Something like that."

His words for some reason had my cheeks heating. Maybe it's because I had never seen him smile, or maybe it's because I've never heard him so genuinely carefree. But I had to admit it was nice. I think, Sebastian Wolf really deserved happiness.

I hoped he would find it soon.    

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