Fifty Five |

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Fifty Five |

We made it to the elephant enclosure with no other issues. Along the way my hand had healed and I made sure to keep it covered from Kira's view. Bright side we no longer had to worry about the creature who had killed Ash. Although, it didn't make sense to me – three men with heavy weapons couldn't take down an infected wolf? They didn't even try. Not to mention I didn't even know what I was looking for.

"What does Grapple look like?" Sebastian asked Kira who held the map.

She peered over at him, "It's also called the Devil's Claw by the way. It looks like spiky roots above ground. With cute little purplish white flowers."

The sun had dipped over the horizon leaving the sky dark blue with red streaks. It made it harder to scan over the hard, cracked ground for this odd plant. Sebastian's obnoxious whistling did not help the matter.

"You know," he drawled out beside me, "Petals of five, keep you alive."


"Cause the grapple has five petals," he explained.

My feet paused momentarily, "You knew what it looked like? Why did you ask?"

"Love, you're from the very trees and blood this world became. There is no way in hell you know what a plant from Africa looks like. No offense," he hummed.

I felt the offense.

"Hey I found it!" Kira called over.

We turned towards the woman. She held the entire plant up in the air with glee facing us. A smile bloomed on my face. Finally we could leave. Unfortunately, fate had other plans. A shadow appeared behind Kira and we all noticed just a little to late.

"Look out!" I cried, Sebastian let out a strand of curses running forward.

Kira turned, the zom grabbed her by the shoulders.

The world slowed. I could feel my feet moved forward.

My sword was unsheathed. The zom bit deeply into her neck.

Blood flowed. Sebastian reached Kira – ripping the zom away from her.

I lifted the sword, a scream bubbled from my throat as I plunged it into the zom's head.

"Gu-gu-guh," Kira gurgled her hands trying to stop the massive bleeding.

Tears sprang to my eyes as Sebastian pulled off his already mangled shirt and pressed it to her neck. I could only stand, holding my bloody blade as Sebastian whispered sweet, calming nothings to the dying woman. My heartbeat wildly in my chest as I watched another innocent woman die because of Maxwell. Because of that false General.

"Shh," Sebastian whispered as her movements stilled into silence, "Rest now."

She slumped in his arms. The silence weighed over us. Wiping the tears from my face I stepped forward, pushing all emotions from my mind. Then, I placed the blade's tip on her forehead. Sebastian moved back. His eyes guarded as he watched me. He knew what needed to be done.

Kira would have too.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Then, putting pressure on the blade, I relished in the sound of it slicing through skin and bone. Deep within her brain and stopping any process that may have made her get back up off the ground. I relished in the noise and vowed to remember it. This feeling that was caused by Maxwell – it reminded me never to forgive. A vow to kill all those that made this system of pain and fear. They called it order but that was a lie. This was merely Maxwell's play of power.

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