Five |

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Five |

I now sat in a tent like building that reminded me of a top circus tent mixed with an army base. I remember when I was younger mom and dad took me every year to see the circus. I had always been jealous of the acrobats.

The base itself, was very lively with enough people that it seemed like no one noticed me. That thought was completely wrong as a tall, bulky man with dark hair and hard eyes seemed to stalk over to me. I could feel arrogance roll off him in waves as he seemed to play dress up as some high ranking army man.

He wore dark green pants, heavy combat boots, with a black tank. Not to mention the amount of knives and guns strapped to him he looked like a kid playing dress up as G.I. Joe. I cracked up at that reference.

As he got closer I wasn't even mildly surprised to see Jax at his side, walking quite calmly however, I could tell by his stiff shoulders the walk was all an act. He was just constantly on edge wasn't he?

"What's your name?" The man demanded as he reached the metal cot I sat on.

Despite only sitting in my bra and panties I refused to let my chin sink lower than my nose. I knew they originally stripped me to do a full health check-up however, I now sensed this man took advantage of that as a bully scheme.

"And you are?" I merely asked back pulling a tone of mockery and curiosity.

"Landon. I'm the general around here – I have say over all visitors and suspicious activity. You, are highly suspicious," he replied not having any shame in letting his eyes rake over my body.


"Mira. Why am I deemed suspicious?" I replied back not at all bothered.

I had years of being surrounded by zoms, not to mention the people I came across were never good people. Not until Cameron and Flynn. I still wasn't sure on Jax but it seemed he wasn't much different than this idiot.

"A little girl like you all alone around muchin' dead people? I don't buy it. What's your story," Landon purred leaning into my face so his breath waft my nostrils.

My eyes narrowed and I leaned back in disgust. Not only did he seem like a total tool but it also seemed like this so called general liked his rum on the job. I couldn't help but glance over at Jax who glanced at Landon with an unreadable expression.

I kept my tone nonchalant as I spoke, "My father died a little back. I was on my own when Flynn and Cameron found me."

"Why'd he die?"

"That's not your business," I snapped back.

His hand moved so fast I barely blinked as his tight grasp caught hold of my shoulder. I couldn't help but wince as his fingers dug into my skin but I held my gaze strong.

"Everything in and out of that gate is my damn business you little bitch," he snarled, spit hitting my face.

My face flinched back with disgust but other than that I struggled to hold no reaction. In truth I wasn't afraid of him. He disgusted me but other than that all I saw was an idiot playing dress up – a man who was given power he wasn't meant to have.

"Lan, back off. She's explained it to me," Jax spoke smoothly.

My eyes widened as the man who I thought hated me lied for me. Landon snorted before letting me go. I stayed silent as he looked over at Jax suddenly friendlier. Looking between them I did notice they did seem to be friends.

"Alright, I'll back off. Lemme know how good she is once you pound her good," Landon laughed darkly before walking off.

My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to figure out why Landon thought Jax would beat me. With a brief wave of fear I wondered if Jax was known for that. The remaining man looked over at me before slipping off his coat. I yelped slightly as his hand moved towards me.

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