Thirty Nine |

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Thirty Nine |

He looked as impressive as the first day we met. Broody and moody, with dirty blonde locks that now swept across his brows and hard hazel eyes. However, today, they were as warm as they stared down at me.

As warm and blazing as the sun itself.

"Two minutes eh?" he smirked, "Sounds like enough time."

"Enough time for wh–," my eyes widened as his lips cut mine off. Moving gently against mine, I felt the pull towards him. The pull of desire but also the sweet pull of love. My fingers stretched to cup his face as we continued to kiss. Then, all too soon he pulled away.

"You came to give me one last kiss?" I joked weakly.

He didn't find it as funny as I did, "I came to tell my girlfriend I'll be waiting for her return. And to tell her not to be stupid, and to come back safely."

My eyes widened at his words then they dropped to the ground, "I-I-I think maybe we need to take a break. I don't know when I'll be back, or if I'll live and it's not fair to you. You can't just wait for me Jax."

He blinked unsurprised before a cold grin grew on his face, "Fine by me then. But listen closely Mira, because I don't want anyone but you. So, I'll be waiting here until you return my heart that you so coldly stole."

"How sweet," I giggled, rolling my eyes as my heart lightened.

His eyes moved like lightening to wrap around me then pull me closely. Instantly my own arms moved to wrap around him and I buried my face into his chest. I wouldn't let our last goodbye go to waste.

"Good luck out there Mira, don't die," he whispered in my ear.

I pulled away then nodded trying to keep tears back, "You too Jax. Maybe one day I'll be back, a-and if you're not here I'm going to be pissed. So make sure you live ok?"

He smirked, "Haven't you heard? I'm invincible."

The wind blew past us, causing my body to shiver slightly.

"Goodbye Jax."

"Goodbye Mira, I'll see you when you get back ok?"

And that was our goodbye.

Without looking back, I slipped into the Jeep. Pulling my seatbelt on, Leon switched the car into gear then we were off. Driving away further and further from the Town of Roses. Looking back in the rear-view mirror I smiled slightly.

Goodbye everyone.

I hopped one day I would return. To see that day I would fight with every fiber of my being. I would fight until I held no fight left in me. Until I was buried deep within this toxic ground. Until my flesh rotted off my bones.

"Are you ok Mira?" Cam asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

I smiled, "Yes, I think I am."

He chuckled nervously, avoiding my gaze. Frowning, I looked back outside to where Leon had just run over a zom of a mail man missing much more than an arm now. The Jeep bounced as we went over it and we fell into a peaceful quietness. Well, more like Leon pretending we didn't exist and Cam avoiding my gaze in the mirrors.

This went on for an hour or so before I grew too annoyed, "Ok!"

At my shouting, the Jeep lurched to a harsh stop, sliding across the frozen ground and narrowing missing a tree. I shrieked as my body lurched forward, my hands slamming onto the dashboard to steady myself.

"Leon what the fuck?" I snarled facing him.

His silver eyes blazed with anger, "Are you insane? Why would you suddenly yell like that?"

I leaned back flabbergasted, then pouted, "It's not my fault. Cam's ignoring me."

"You almost killed all of us because Cameron was ignoring you?" he gasped.

"S-Shut up!" my face heated, "You're just grumpy 'cause you're leaving Annie."

"I will make you walk," he growled, pulling gracefully out of the ditch and back onto what was the road.

I stuck my tongue out at him before twisting my body towards Cam. Who, was trying to hide behind my seat. Slapping the back of his exposed head, he yelped, leaning back. I grinned victorious as I waited for him to speak up.

When he didn't I spoke, "I swear to god if you don't tell me why you're ignoring me I'll make you walk. What's your issue Cam?"

He frowned, his eyes dropping, "I'm not supposed to tell you until we get to Wolf Cove."


"Jax gave you his sword!" he blurt out.

I rose a brow, "Uh, no he didn't."

"Yes he did. He knew you wouldn't take it from him so he hid it with the food."

My jaw dropped. No wonder he was so cocky I'd be back! That bastard. I turned my face towards the front of the road, silently fuming. I could send the sword back with Cam or leave it with Alpha but...I doubt they would accept.

Damn it.

Sighing deeply, I rubbed my face. I didn't even know how to use it.

"Stupid man," I muttered under breath.

Leon rolled his eyes, clearly hearing me, "Ungrateful woman. The man's trying to hold it together just as you did. He's so desperate for you to come back he gave you something of more value than your life. In my opinion."

I narrowed my eyes at him but didn't say anything. Looking back to see if Cam had heard him, I found Jax's brother had fallen asleep. His head was leaning against his window, as he slept soundlessly. The sight made me smile, another stupid man to fall asleep in such a situation.

Sighing softly, I realized the situation Leon and I were in. Or rather, the cold void in my heart. It hadn't even been two hours yet I felt completely heartbroken. Leaving the Town of Roses, was definitely much harder than I had thought. Just leaving the place left a void in my heart, and due to Jax and his stupid loving actions my heart itself felt raw and fragile.

At least Cam was with us until we got to Wolf Cove.

"Mira," Leon sighed loudly.

I blinked over at him. The damn man had been sighing a lot lately, but I wasn't surprised. I was sure he was heartbroken over leaving Annie as well. He knew exactly how I felt, I realized.

"What were you saying?" I asked numbly.

He glanced over at Cam before speaking, "Once we leave Wolf Cove we'll be going to the City of Ash. Once there, it is important no one know who you are."

I nodded, "I know."

"No you really don't. There will be terrible people there, people who had originally paid me to find you. And to bring you back dead or alive. They cannot know you're Erin Brooks, and they definitely cannot know you're an illicit."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded slowly. Ignoring the fear that threatened to rise inside me like a fire. I knew this would be coming, I knew the dangers of going with Leon. But we had made a deal, I couldn't be afraid now. Not even at the mention of that place...

The City of Ash.

I didn't know what exactly that place was, but I would find out very, very soon. Before the Spring Break at least. Then, if I wasn't careful it would no doubt be my tomb. My graveyard made by Eric Maxwell himself.

Eric Maxwell. I sighed softly, trying to push this feeling away. But no matter how hard I tried, I knew deep down I would come face to face with that bastard all too soon. I only hoped it wouldn't be under my real name. He could not ever know that Jason Brooks daughter was alive.

"Don't worry," Leon said quietly, "For now, all you can do is not worry. Or you'll only be plagued by demons and ghosts."

Knowing he was right I nodded. I had enough demons without adding Eric Maxwell to the mix.

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