Eighty seven| Gore, Violence*

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Gore, Violence, animal violence*


We were running.

Through this maze of tunnels that seemed to run under the Wolf Cove. As we ran Lisa explained it, the reason of these tunnels. Apparently long ago when wolves still walked this land, the people who cared for the wolves would use this tunnel to drop off extra carnage in the winter to keep the wolves fed.

I wasn't listening, my mind was stuck on Cameron. Alpha, Luna.

Were they ok now? Or had they all been slaughtered.

I breathed out slowly, as I tried yet again to switch with Mira. She wasn't having it and I wondered if it was too late. I wasn't sure, but I did know I needed her to come back and soon. Never did I expect her emotions to form into mine—I was a virus, I wasn't supposed to have any emotions. And yet still, Mira had placed shackles upon my potential and I was caged yet again.

"The exits over there," Lisa said.

I looked forward, sure enough there was a light at the end of the tunnel that was not her lantern. Instead, it was a metal chain linked door. Locked from the outside. Sebastian snickered, making a joke about Lisa's leadership skills. It was light hearted, he was trying to soften the dark mood, like he always was.

"Shut up," Lisa snapped, "I'll just shoot it."

Sebastian smirked, "How about I melt it? It'd look cooler."

I blinked, looking between them. Their human displays, it was giving me a headache. So, instead of listening to them bicker, I simply marched past them before allowing my power to throb in my veins. Lifting my foot, I kicked the door. It shot off, landing a few feet away.

Sebastian whistled, "Or we could do that."

Lisa frowned, "So who is this chick?"

I blinked, "How does everyone know I'm not Mira?"

"Because you're not acting like Mira," Lisa replied, "And you have this mood to you. It's scary, dark and powerful. Not to mention back in the warehouse you seemed non-consensually upset. I'm guessing you're the voice in her head? So when's Mira coming back?"

I frowned, "I don't know. I've tried."

Sebastian paused, his eyes wide, "Wait. What do you mean?"

"I mean she won't come back!" I growled in frustration.

Lisa stepped between us, "What the fuck have I missed?"

Sebastian opened his mouth to answer when a low growl suddenly cut through the air. We all paused, confusion filling me. As if in a slow motion moment, we turned. To the left of the tunnel and nestled between the trees stood three wild dogs. Normally, that wouldn't be an issue, but these dogs were all turned.

"H-How are they travelling together?" Lisa gasped softly.

Sebastian cursed softly, "It's Barron. He must have sent dogs to track us."

I tilted my head, worried for Lisa. Hell, I was worried for Sebastian too. If these dogs were turned, they won't even go for me. That was already seen with human zombies. I was simply too much like them. But if they reached Sebastian, they'd tear him apart faster than his blood could react and Lisa certainly had no chance.

Come on Mira! Your friends need you. I can't fight them, they'd just avoid me. You can fight them. You're a human, the dogs would fight you.

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