Nine |

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Nine |

"Get back!" Cam yelled, launching himself towards the twins just as the dog lunged at Annie.

Instincts moved in as my body reacted to protect these people I didn't even know. My fingers grabbed the dog's collar throwing it back. It didn't make a sound as it landed on its feet. I glanced over at Cam who fumbled to get his gun out. He'd be too late.

The dog snarled, lunging across the room towards the twins again. Again I moved, all emotions escaped my mind. I slammed the dog to the floor, rolling my hand towards its neck to hold it down. Screams begged me to stop, begged for the dog's mercy. I twisted my hands sharply, the dog stopped moving. Mercy got you killed in this world.

"You monster!" Annie screamed at me.

I stood and looked at her blankly. If she thought I was the monster then she truly had the luxury to live a normal life. I watched Annie struggle in Cam's arms as he worked to drag her out of the room. I decided that I was no longer welcome in the house, so I moved to leave.

"Miss, wait please," called the southern man.

I didn't stop. Not until I threw the front door open, and was marching down the porch steps and a hand grabbed my arm. I froze but didn't turn around.

"You watched me snap a dogs neck, is that really the best move?" I demanded.

The hand let me go, "Thank you for what you did, and Annie will get over it."

I turned to look at the man, then shrugged. It didn't matter if she did or not, it just showed that I didn't belong here. You can't tame a wild animal, it will always resort back to instincts. I had been stupid to think I could find home here, that I could belong here.

"Noa! Lookit, Clark gave us cake for free!"

We turned, the kids were back. The oldest one carried a small cake in both hands, while the other three ran ahead and over to us. The man – Noa smiled at the kids, taking the cake from them.

"Be good and introduce yourself to Mira," he told them.

The youngest one, the small one from earlier giggled, and ran over grabbing my hand, "I'm Mathew but it's ok if you call me Matty."

He pronounced his name Matwo, making me smile, next was the oldest child who had darker skin and bright, brown eyes, "Dillan, nice to meet you," he said politely with a wide smile.

"He's Adrian," Said one with longer, black hair and hazel eyes – he pointed to the boy beside him who had brown hair and catlike green eyes.

"He's Max," Adrian said pointing to the one with hazel eyes.

Both boys paused, then looked at each other and started giggling.

The front door opened, and Cam stepped out causing the children to run over to him. I watched him and Noa exchange a look, then Noa sighed deeply. His eyes turned to me and he smiled, I could tell how tired he was.

"Thanks again, I'm sorry it didn't turn out the way we all hoped but Annie will come around. It's just, these kids and this farm is our whole world – our life," he said softly, his eyes begging for me to understand, then he turned towards the kids, "boys it's time for lunch, let's go wash up, Dillan can you go get Sarah and Sophie? They're still in the barn."

The oldest boy, Dillan nodded and ran off towards the barn. I watched as the others went inside and Cam walked over to me. He pulled me along as we started walking off back towards the center of town. I waited anxiously for him to bring up the dog incident – would he yell at me?

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