One Hundred Four |

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I've started a new job lately, so I didn't get to update when I wanted to last week, but I thank you for your on going support and patience! I hope it was worth the wait!

I've been working on another book called: HER VAMPIRE MASTER so if you have time maybe check it out? (I'm on my laptop but insert the big eye emoji here) if you like my style of writing and strong female leads I know you'll love Aris. HER VAMPIRE MASTER is a supernatural romance/fantasy/erotica story.

Anyways, onto the story!


   One Hundred Four |

            He who demands attention, shall get just that. In this case however, it was she who was me and I would get what I wanted. If they wanted my cooperation, then I'd make it clear that the only person calling shots would be me. They made it clear that they wanted to buy my trust, and if that was the case then I would certainly set the price high.

            So when Ophelia sent out the word, I was standing in front of a large building, Ophelia explained it was the town hall where all council meetings, etc occurred. She was instructed to bring me to the meeting at noon, when the sun was at it's peak. However, Sonar hadn't returned yet so on my shoulder very annoyed was Scar.

            "Sonar," she croaked, "Bath!"

            My eyes rolled, my anxiety being overshadowed by annoyance, "Yeah, yeah."

            The bird made me miss Owl, and I hoped he was alright. However, I had little time to think about Owl as Ophelia's fingers dug into my arm. She pulled me forward and up the stairs as we headed into the building. The first thing that hit my nose was the strong scent of cleaning products. Inside, there was a simple reception desk placed at the front of the lobby, and behind the desk, a long carpeted hall with many doors.

            The blonde at the desk smiled, "Hello! First door on the left!"

            Ophelia nodded, before pulling me behind her. I didn't say anything to her about her firm grasp, she was worried and that was clear. No doubt I was breaking many silent rules that hadn't been explained to me. There was a hierarchy of power here and I was gladly fucking it up.

            When we reached the door, Ophelia let my arm go, the long red marks left by her already healing. She knocked firmly on the door, and within a moments time, it swung open. Inside, a simple conference room, a table where five people sat. Scar left my shoulder quickly, flying across the room to settle on Sonar's shoulder. I also recognized Lilith at the table. However, I didn't recognize an older man wearing priest attire, an older woman with a firm smile but kind warm eyes and a fairly younger man than the rest (probably still much older than me however) who wore two shoulder holsters, and clear dog tags around his neck.  

            "Erin," Lilith was the first to break the silence, "You have concerns?"

            I nodded, holding my chin up high, "I have many concerns."

            "Before we get into this," the priest said warmly, "Please allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Father Antonio, I run the church on the island, over there is Lieutenant Samson he is in charge of zombie control and resource collection, that is Marly who handles our birds and you've already met Dr. Brown and Sonar it seems."

            My eyes widened as it suddenly clicked.

            "Samson Hathoway," I murmured, my fingers curling, "Y-You're the one who stared the virus! You ordered it to be made. You did all this and still you get to rule the world, how is that fair?"

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