Ninety Nine |

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Ninety Nine |

"Interesting," Dr. Lilith hummed, taking another vial of my blood, "Very interesting."

I rolled my eyes, flexing my wrist. I think it's been a week, but I wasn't all that sure. I was visited once a day, that I knew because that woman let that information slip. And every moment I was alone, they had me knocked out until the next time I woke up. This was the eighth time so eight days must have passed. She would trade information about my friends for my cooperation with these tests and at least now I wasn't bound to the bed.

As if that matters, you're so weak you cannot stand on your own.

I sighed. At least Zero was keeping me company once again.

"And Lisa is feeling better?" I asked.

She nodded, pulling the needle from my arm, "Yes. She is already healed."

"That's impossible," I hummed, rolling my eyes.

"No it isn't. As I told you before, we have no need of any of the immune, this is because we already have one on our team. When she first arrived, she allowed us to use her blood in order to make a very useful drug. This harnesses our own antivirus which heals the body. This is why we know a vaccine is not in our best interest," she sighed, "It takes a large quantity of resources for one shot of the vaccine which would only work on a person for a short period of time. Once a person is infected, there is no exterminating the virus from the body. We can only cancel out the virus for a short period of time."

I bit my tongue, knowing if they found out about Oliver's abilities, it would only make him a test subject too. Dr. Lilith didn't seem to notice my silence or maybe she just didn't care. Instead she put the vial into her box of other vials and moved to my side. I opened my mouth, allowing her to take a saliva sample.

"You've been very helpful," she smirked.

I shrugged my shoulders, "When can I leave this bed?"

"Later on today."

I paused, "Really?"

"Yes. We no longer believe you'll be a threat, and we will be happy to research a cure for your situation. Until then however, we will ask you work for us."

I struggled to sit up, my body weak.

"Work how?"

She put the saliva sample into her box, "Everyone on the island is required to put in their own work to keep the island thriving. Which means you and allies will put their work into this island. 607—Lisa, has joined our agents apart of gathering resources from the Dead Zone. Sebastian is apart of zombie control at the north port, Oliver and his beast are currently at our delivery operations. We believe his beast can be extremely useful in this division."

They're spreading us all apart. Forcing us to find friends here, forcing us to make a life here so we cannot leave. These people are dangerous. More dangerous than Maxwell.

"Where will I be assigned?" I asked, ignoring Zero.

Dr. Lilith frowned, "You will continue to stay here for testing, however we will allow you to leave once a day and tour around our island. I'm sure you have much to explore."

"I want to speak to my friends," I said slowly, panicking a little.

"They're busy."

My eyes narrowed, fearing Zero was right.

"No, they will see me, unless you are trying to keep us apart for a reason," I hissed.

For a moment I watched as something flashed in her eyes. Then, slowly she nodded. Taking her box, and leaving. The metal door shutting behind her. My heart hammered in my chest, my eyes flickering up to the ceiling. In the corner was a flickering red light. I noticed the same in Maxwell's city. It was a camera.

They were always watching me.

They didn't knock you out, and you're not restricted.

I knew that, and yet this felt like a test. Frowning, I slid my legs sideways. Carefully I placed my feet on the cold floor, dragging myself to slouch forward and off the bed. Groaning softly, I panted from the effort. Then, I stood, a smile blooming on my face, and then my entire body pitched forward.

"Fuck!" I cried, slamming into the ground.

You're an idiot.

"Whatever," I hissed, pushing my self up, "Why are you even around still?"

You're lonely. I'm available.

Ignoring her, I dragged myself back to the bed, pulling myself up by it's frame. My legs shook, the drugs still making my body weak. Looking down at the only thing that covered me, the silk shift. They might as well just tape paper to the front and backs of me. Rolling my eyes, I used the frame to drag myself over to the door. Panting, my head grew dizzy. Then, I threw myself forward, slamming into the door with a grunt.


I ignored her, pulling on the door, disappoint filled me to find it locked. Then, it clicked. My interest perking as the door suddenly swung open. I gasped, falling into the doorway, my head glancing back at the camera. Did someone unlock the door for me?


Pushing myself back up, I looked around the painted white walls, a sense of Deja vu washing over me. It was kind of ironic, how most doctors and scientists think alike when it comes to interior decorating. Holding onto the wall, I moved down the hall, slowly. My feet dragging as I did.

The hall was long, making it feel like it took ages to finally make it down to the other side. Where a set of metal doors sat. I pushed on them, only to find them too locked like my room door. However, just like before, there was a suitable click, before both doors swung open.

Inside, there was a large, empty room. At the end of the room was a single metal door. I looked up at the ceiling, spotting another camera blinking with life. Frowning, I stumbled towards the door, knowing whoever was watching would unlock the door. I may not know why but at this point I didn't really care for the details.

Before I got to the door, it unlocked, however, the door swung open and a woman stepped through. I paused, looking at the woman with caution. She had stark white hair, pulled back into a tight bun. She wore black thick protective armor that hugged her thin form. Her hazel eyes stared at me reflecting nothing. At her waist two large guns holstered.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

She tilted her eyes, "My name is Ophelia."

I gasped, my eyes wide.

This was Ophelia?! 

Author's Note:

This is kind of an intro chapter for the next one because the next one is kind of long so I split it up into two. 

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