Eighty Two |

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Eighty Two |

            Things settled down. Flynn had saved him against all odds. Felix was moved to a different room, a new cot and saved. I just stayed behind, staring at the arm that was cut off and still lay on the floor and the blood that decorated the room. It was mesmerizing and if I didn't stay where I stood I was going to march over to the clinic and kill Molly.

            "Hey," Flynn appeared beside me.

            I blinked, slowly my gaze met his, "Hey."

            "You saved his life," he sighed, "Bold move."

            A twisted smile found my face, "They were going to kill him just because he was bit."

            "Jax should have been here, that wasn't their call to make," he whispered.

            Jax was a terrible General. At least Landon took care of his men.

            I sighed softly, "I need to leave this town."

            "I know," he chuckled, "It's hard. It really is but people make mistakes. They're human. Jax is human. He can't be everywhere at once and he didn't know one of his men were injured. I think he loves Molly, I think he already thinks the baby as his."

            "But it's not," I snapped.

            His hand rested on my shoulder, "If you were pregnant and met Sebastian. That baby would be his too and you know it. You two are so in love with each other it's like your souls merged into one. I've never seen that except in my parents."

            The thought excited me, Sebastian and I one day having kids.

            One day...when the world stops burning.

            "I should go," I sighed knowing I should check in with Cam.

            He nodded, "Go save the world saviour."

            That made me chuckle.

            Stepping out of the tent, I tugged down the road. As I did, my gaze fell on Jax who seemed to be walking in a trance. Suddenly that anger was back. I was angry and it was all Molly's fault and his for being so damn blind. My eyes narrowed and I clenched my fists. Yet he just walked past me, like he didn't even see me. I spun on my heels.

            "Hey!" I snarled.

            He paused, not turning around.

            I grabbed his arm, yanking him. The man stumbled turning around to face me.

            "You know one of your men almost died?" I demanded full of rage, "He almost died because you weren't there to be the general. He almost died because your stupid bitch of a girlfriend was distracting Raymond with most likely fake contractions."

            He blinked back to reality, "Don't call her that."

            I laughed, shaking my head, "You're pathetic. So easily manipulated by a bitch. This town is going to die because of you! Your brother is going to end up being killed because of your damn ignorance! Molly needs to go before it's too late. She's nothing but evil."

            "Shut up," he whispered.

            I wanted to shake him, "How can you still defend her? You're actually so fucking stupid. I can't believe I ever loved you. A kid almost died today and you know, it is entirely your fault. Because you care more about getting laid then your town. At least Landon was good at his job."

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