One Hundred Twenty Five |

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One Hundred Twenty Five |



My eyes fluttered. I felt hot—too hot. Exhausted too. I laid against the wall where Maxwell had left me, a feeling of numbness in my heart. Maxwell was gone now, who knows where he was going but at least it wasn't here. There was a strange feeling in my heart, like somehow, I knew he wouldn't be causing any problems anymore. I breathed slowly, unable to move my body. My eyes flickered over the still bright room, and I chuckled. Every breathe an ache of pain.

Sebastian stood above me, concern etched into that beautiful face. I was dying, and my brain allowed me to see the love of my life one last time. It was an illusion and yet I felt nothing but grateful. It was a hard start but I found love, I found hope and peace in my life. Even if I was alone to die now, I had been surrounded by people who loved me and I did my best to protect them. I had always done my best and that was that.

My eyes flickered closed.

"The fuck are you standing there for?" Lisa's voice snapped, "Don't just stand there. If you ain't going to help then move out of the way dumbass."

My eyes flickered open again, my brow twitching. I knew better than to expect such an illusion of peace. Slowly, I forced my fingers to move, twitches of life. I was exhausted and in so much pain, but my emotions were no longer numb. My eyes grew wet with tears and I smiled. This was no reality, my family had found me.

"H-how'd you g-get here?" I whispered, my voice raspy.

Sebastian scooped me up, pressing his lips to my forehead, "You'll be alright love. The bloody necromancer has a bear, we'll get you back to the island and get you help."

My smile grew as we reached the elevator, "Everyone's ok?"

"Yeah, everyone's ok. Barron arrived just in time with a whole bunch of zombie dogs, we got the rest of Maxwell's guards to stand down, and all the zombies they had brought. You would have laughed, they had zombies on leashes, then we came here and now he's clearing out the rest of the zoms in this building," Sebastian said, "Maxwell really fucked up."

"W-wait—" I mumbled, exhaustion washing over me.

Lisa frowned, "No more questions. Let her rest."

"Yeah," Sebastian agreed, "You're safe now love."


I breathed out, my eyes closing.

The next time I awoke, I was in a hospital bed back on the island. An IV pumping clear juice into my veins and a heart monitor sounding a steady beat. My mouth felt dry still, and I could feel a foggy numbness from my body. My head rolled, and I looked around the room. I was so tired and yet I felt like I had enough sleep. My eyes flickered down to my body, surprised to see how damaged I was. My leg was in a cast, my arm in a sling. A sinking reality really hit me, Zero was really gone. I sniffled, holding back tears.

"Mira?" A deep voice called.

I looked over to the door, there stood Jax. I smiled slightly.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

My head nodded, and he came in, sitting on the bed.

"You look like shit," he chuckled awkwardly.

My eyes rolled, "I'd say I feel it, but someone gave me the good shit. I can't feel anything. How long have I been out? What did I miss?"

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