One Hundred Thirteen |

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One Hundred Thirteen |

The office was dark, a long wooden desk in the middle. On the one metal wall was a circular clock. With each passing second, the clock sang with a tik and a tok. Aside from that, the room was silent. The door wide open, and despite us having our backs towards the open door, I could hear the whispers of curious people at the door.

"I apologize about them," he chuckled, "It's been a long time since we've had visitors."

I smiled slightly in understanding, my mouth opening to comment when Jessica stepped forward. She slammed her hand down lightly onto the table. It was—god, it was just embarrassing. It's like she's never met others outside of the island before. Or maybe she was just so used to demanding and receiving.

Either way, Tom Cain was not amused.

"Listen," she said firmly, "My name is Jessica Hathoway, I am daughter of Lieutenant Samson Hathoway the second, and granddaughter of Agent Samson Hathoway. I am subject zero and I was sent by the Isle of Paradise to deliver this letter," she handed it to him, and he opened it, "Inside you will find a trade."

To my surprise, Tom Cain smirked, looking back to her, "In return for our help, you will allow us communications between this Union you're creating."

"That is correct," Jessica replied, "Will you agree?"

He tilted his head, "You want access to our tunnels, any supplies we have, any weapons and gun ammo. You also want our strongest men to go to the island. The very same island that segregated itself from anyone who didn't pay the entrance fee during the end. You demand our upmost loyalty, our supplies and in return we get a ticket to your little club? Not to mention you came into my home on a web of lies. Did I get everything right?"

Maeve inhaled sharply from behind me, "Oh dear."

"I don't like what you're implying," Jessica snapped, "I am—"

"Here you are nothing!" he yelled, slamming his fist onto the table making us all jump in shock, "In my tunnels you are no daughter of a general, and if you wish to be seen in relation to Samson it will be a negative. You are not subject zero, and to think I would accept that lie is an insult to my intelligence. You being here is only an insult to the people I've protected up until this point. I cannot believe Arthur told you where to find my people."

I glared at Jessica now. Those envelopes were only trouble—she and her guards were trouble. Of course, they were—they were from the Isle of Paradise. Bio-gen. I didn't trust them either, and I had been living there for like a month. Not to mention the outrageous demands of that stupid fucking letter.

"Now, you can all leave," Tom Cain said, "And kindly keep your mouth shut about my home. Please tell Arthur our friendship is over."


Hot tears burned in my eyes, "I can't do that Sir."

Jessica shot me a dirty look but I didn't care.

"Why not?" Tom Cain demanded.

I breathed out slowly, "Because my grandfather is dead."

His eyes widened and he was quiet for a moment. No doubt the man was processing my words and the implications were clicking into place. He then exhaled sharply, wobbling side to side before placing one hand on the table, the other to his forehead. His head casted down in what I think was sorrow.

"Arthur is your grandfather?" he then asked, quietly.

I nodded, a lump in my throat, "He is, yes. I-I didn't know that until it was too late, and I only knew him for a short while but I know he was a good man. And an amazing grandfather. He took care of me at the island."

Tom's hand fell from his forehead and a ghost smile played on his face, "He was a good man. I owe him everything, including my life. But he was a smart man, he only saw you a few times as a child but when the end started, he made me promise that if your family ever came here for help, I would do everything in my power to help you."

"So you'll comply?" Jessica demanded, annoyed.

His head tilted towards her and I stepped forward quickly.

"Mr. Cain, I'm not asking you to comply with the island's ridiculous demands, I'm just asking you to help us, in any way you can. Anything would be appreciated, but Maxwell is coming for me and then he'll come for you and every settlement. He wants to control the zombies, and use them to make a world—his world," I whispered, fearing my own words.

Jessica hissed, turning to me, "You didn't tell me that!"

I shrugged, "You didn't need to know."

Her mouth opened, but Tom Cain spoke first, "We will help you Erin Brooks, but not the island. We will take your bird communication thing, but if it comes to a fight we will not raise our weapons to those that are sick."

I nodded in understanding, "Thank you."

"Then we should discuss planning," Jessica said, "Subject Zero and her friend should take a tour of your tunnels, or just be anywhere else while we meet."

My eyes narrowed but I didn't fight her on it, "Fine."

Tom Cain looked between us, "That might be best. Sam, please show the rest of our guests around the tunnel while I speak to the Island's representatives."

Sam poked his head in and nodded, "Follow me."

Oliver, Owl, Maeve and I all followed him out the door and back into the tunnel system. As we did, Sam stopped, turning around to face me, a frown on his face.

"What?" I demanded.

He hummed, "Nothing. I'm just comparing details."

"Of what?"

He shrugged, "Or what Arthur told us about you."

I stopped walking for a moment, "Sonar talked about me? W-When?"

"Mhm," he replied, "last time he was here was a few weeks ago. He said and I quote 'Sam, I know I talk about my granddaughter a lot, but I've finally found her. And, I think you'd like her. She's got a good head on her shoulders, and she's going to stop Eric Maxwell. Just watch, she's going to change this entire world and fix it."

My eyes became blurry, "H-How do you remember that?"

"I have eidetic memory," he replied.

I nodded, of course he did.                      

Short chapter but longer ones are on their way!

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