Forty Eight |

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Forty Eight |

Lisa and I went down the metal stairs to Level 01 – the job mart. This floor was different than the previous – with yellow coloured walls and cubicles. Not to mention this place was packed with all sorts of people dressed in white.

"Welcome – oh god please no," the familiar voice of Tammi cried, "I came down here to get away from you two! I-I don't want to help you! Go away."

I rolled my eyes at the woman, "Just help us find a job Tammi."

She frowned, "Sit, and please don't move. Don't speak."

"Excuse you?" Lisa hissed.

Not wanting another fight, I pulled Lisa into the seat in front of Tammi's desk. She snickered, pulling out of my grasp and crossing her arms over her chest. I found myself relieved that she didn't cause a commotion.

"I want to be a maid," Lisa told her, "For Level 02."

Tammi paused, "There's no openings for Level 02. We do have an opening for Level 03."

Lisa tensed, her fingers curling into fists. Level 03 was the living quarters? With the disrespect from those guards I knew exactly why she didn't want to be a maid for Level 03. Hell, I didn't blame her and there was no way I'd let someone from Wolf Cove ever be put in a situation like that. So, I leaned forward, resting my chin on the palm of my hand.

"She said she wants to be a maid for Level 02, can't you cut us a break here Tammi?" I asked sweetly with a smile, "I mean let's be honest. This city was not made for us woman."

Tammi's face flushed, "I-I don't know what you're talking about. President Maxwell gives us all equal chances to prosper and thrive."

President Maxwell seemed to be pumping his citizens with fear and bullshit.

"Tammi," I said growing annoyed, "she wants to be a maid for Level 02 not Level 03. If you're not going to be helpful then get us someone who can."

"Mira, it's fine," Lisa whispered.

I shook my head, out raged, "No it's not. You should not have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Give us reasonable jobs or I swear to whatever god you keep going on about I won't be silent!"

"Ok!" Tammi cried, "Please don't speak so loudly! I-I'll see what I can do!"

I tsked not understanding what the fuss was about. Honestly, Tammi should have been more empathetic to the situation in the first place. At least, she was being more compliant now. I turned my face away as Tammi began to ask Lisa some basic maid questions.

As I did, I caught a glimpse of black in the corner of my eye. My head snapped up as I blinked quickly. That damn man was back! This time he sat two desks down, with his boots up on the surface of the wood. I bit my lip nervously as I watched him. As if he could feel my gaze, his head snapped to the side and those crimson eyes met mine.

Who was he?

As his eyes met mine, they widened before he grinned. Showing off a pair of sharpened teeth beside his two front teeth. Like canines, I realized. I looked away quickly back to Tammi as her attention shifted to me.

"And you?" she demanded.

An arm flung over my shoulder, "Hey Tammy this one's going to work with me, ok?"

I looked up to see the mysterious man all too close. He smelt good, like pepper and rain. However, that did not mean I wanted his damn hands on me! My body moved out of his grasp as I frowned.

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