Eighty |

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Eighty |             

            "You want us to go apple picking?" Cam asked in a state of bewilderment.

            Alana nodded, "That's right."

            "And take the strangers with me as back up?"

            "Indeed that's what I said."

            "I-I uh," he stumbled sending me a look, "Fine."

            While everyone went to the tent to prepare for apple picking, I stayed behind. There were so many questions on my mind and I didn't know where to begin. So I loitered in the hall outside her office. Until, she stepped out. The old woman jolted noticing me before sighing deeply.

            "Mira, goodness," she huffed, "you gave me quite the fright."

            "Sorry," I mumbled following after her down the hall and towards the kitchen.

            Suddenly, she stopped, facing me with a frown on her face.

            "You're questioning my decisions," she stated simply.

            I bit my lip nervously, not responding. She continued her trip, heading into the kitchen. I trailed behind her, silently. Trying to figure out what questions I wanted to ask and how. She may be old, and she may seem oblivious but she was still the mayor. I needed to be careful or she could very well make my life hell.

            "Spit it out child," the old woman sighed, filling a stove pot with water.

            I blinked, "Why did you let them in so easily?"

            Her brow rose, "What makes you think it was easy?"

            I shrugged, she placed the pot on the stove, "It was easy for me. It seemed easy for them. There was an attack last night Alana. People died—your people. And today you let strangers in. Not everyone is good! What if they're bad people!"

            She turned, staring at me. I was angry, my chest heaving with every breath I took.

            "Perhaps," she hummed, "I have been too kind. Shall I throw out you then? Your friends? If I am to throw out our new guest then I must throw out all guests. Should we close our gates then? Shoot anyone outside our fences on sight?"

            My eyes widened, "N-No—I..."

            "I choose to believe everyone is good until they are not," she cut me off, "Whatever their past, everyone who comes into MY town has a good future. Is good. Until they decide against that. Until I have proof they are bad, they can stay. I am not in the work of abusing people Ms. Brooks, not mentally nor physically. I will not drive survivors to evil. Do you understand?"

            Numbly I nodded, "Yes Mayor Alana."

            "I allow you to go on missions because I put this entire town's trust in you. I allow you the control to be this town's saviour because it was the perfect motivation this town needs. If you leave, they will work hard for your arrival, if you stay they will work hard for your stay, and if you die they will work hard in the name of you. You don't need money in this town, you'll always have a place to stay. People who will take care of you, I allow that," the woman said coolly, "What I will not allow is for you to question me. If you start then they will all question me. I have been taking care of this town for ten years, I know how to keep it alive. You are not the first stranger and you will not be the last. You will not question me again, you may find proof on your own as to why these strangers are bad and do not deserve sanctum but until then you will obey. Understand me clearly."

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