Twenty |

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Quick note: I'm sorry I haven't uploaded in a few weeks, I had a rough few weeks but I am back now, and will do my best to continue to upload at least once a week, thanks for your patience and enjoy! 

Remember to comment, like and follow for more fun ;) 

Twenty |

"How long will you be gone for?" I asked, my lips curving into a deep frown.

Cam merely laughed, "Only a week or so."

"And why can't I come?" I grumbled.

Jax sighed, "Because the Labyrinth people don't trust new people. They are one of the reasons we survive the winter – we can't ruin our relationship with them or even take a chance of doing so."

"Cheer up, Cici will be here with you."

I nodded, looking from Cam to Jax. As much as I wanted to protest I knew this was for the best. Cam pulled me into a hug, instantly my arms wrapped around him and I sighed into the nook of his shoulder.

"Be safe – both of you," I grumbled.

He laughed, the noise vibrating through his chest.

But, I had no reason to laugh. They were acting entirely carefree yet, the stiffness in Jax's shoulders, and how tightly Cam's arms gripped me – that set reality in. This could very well be the last time I see them. The last time I hug Cam, or look at Jax.

"We will come back," Jax promised lightly.

I nodded, pushing a smile onto my face, "You better, or the zoms will be the least of your problems."

He laughed, the musical flutter sending a crushing pain through my heart. It felt like so much – so damn much. I needed them to come back and in one piece. They left then, the smile melting off my face faster than acid.

"Please let them come back," I whispered to whatever god existed – whatever hope there was.

However, I didn't have long to worry. No sooner had they left, was Cici marching through the door in another colourful sundress. This one was tie-dye, and I couldn't help but chuckle at it. Cici pulled me into a hug and instantly my arms were around the smaller woman.

"They will come back, there's no reason to worry."

I didn't know if she was trying to convince me or herself, but her words calmed my frantic nerves and I nodded. She pulled away and I smiled at her – her eyes were rimmed with red and puffy but I had a feeling that it wasn't over Cam and Jax.

"Tea?" I hummed, gently pulling her towards the couch.

She meekly nodded, and I pushed her down softly before springing towards the kitchen. I pushed the little ON button on the kettle and briefly paused. What would I say to her? I so clearly cared about her feelings, and would surely kill anyone that reduced her to tears but, what would I say?

I could think of nothing.

Luckily, as I placed down the two cups of tea and sank into the seat beside her, she sighed loudly. My eyes flickered over towards her. I recognized that type of sigh quickly. It was one that would often push past my lips when I was alone. It was one full of frustration and defeat.

"Are you ok?" I asked, because I could think of no other words.

She shook her head no, then the woman I knew to be always cheerful and perky, began to sob. She rested her face in her palms and sobbed. Heart wrenching sobs that sent stakes drilled straight into my heart, and I froze. I could feel my eyes ridiculously wide as I just stared at her.

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