Forty Seven |

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Forty Seven |

Muscle-Man had cuffed us to the wall beside Leon then took off muttering something about finding someone to deal with us. I was only glad it wasn't him, however I didn't want to know who out ranked that terrifying man.

"Hey Leon?" Lisa asked suddenly.

He looked over at her and she spoke quietly, "Where'd you go?"

"I went to look for Lori. I thought she'd be on this floor – in the hydro room but guess I was wrong," he sighed, rolling his eyes, "she's probably in the gym."

"Lori's your sister," Lisa said.

"Obviously. Don't worry brat, I'd come back after you registered."

"Tsk, as if I was worried about that."

I looked across the room where a man caught my eye. He was a very pretty with bright red eyes and dark, spiky locks. However, that wasn't what caught my eye – it was the black tank top that clung to his toned body. A blatant rebel against Maxwell's dress code.

"What an idiot," I muttered rolling my eyes.

"I hope you're not talking about me," Lisa snapped.

I snickered looking over at her, "Not everything's about you, believe it or not."

My eyes moved back across the room only to find the man was gone. I frowned, wanting to know what had happened to the man. Had he been punished for his dress code? I was sure Maxwell's guards to be so petty.

"Well look whose here," a voice sighed.

We looked up to see a woman dressed in a white jump suit. Her blonde hair sat below her chin on one side and was shaved on the other. My jaw fell open as I realized who I was staring at. With those pair of sharp, silver eyes that instantly reminded me of Leon.

"Eh? So that big hunk of dumb got you?" Leon laughed, a sudden happiness and relief on his face, "Maybe he's not so dumb. Unlock us I don't want to be here all night."

She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest, "You can't just do whatever you want you idiot. Maybe I should leave you here over night. Teach you a lesson."

"Awe Lori don't be like that," Leon whined, a pout on his lips.

A giggle escaped my lips, I had never seen Leon act so carefree before. However, it seemed like the wrong move because both siblings turned their attention towards me. With both sets of eyes on me now, I could only see further how alike they were.

"Hello," I said with a small smile, "I'm Mira. A friend of Leon's."

"Leon has friends?" she seemed genuinely surprised.

Leon muttered, "Don't know why you have to ask like that."

"My name's Lisa. I'm not his friend," Lisa piped up, "Just an acquaintance. Could you unlock us? We won't cause any more trouble."

"I don't believe that for one second," Lori laughed boisterously.

Before I could pled my case, she moved over with a ring of keys. Unlocking Lisa then me and finally Leon. We thanked her and she waved us off, sitting at a nearby desk and motioning us to follow suit. Lisa and I exchanged a look before following her.

"Since when do you do admin?" Leon asked, standing over his sister.

She rolled her eyes, "I don't but it seems like you need some help. Mira and Lisa right? As far as anyone here is concerned you two are sisters. That will have people ask different questions then who you to are and instead how you to became siblings. Pick a last name."

I realized she was right. Judging by the look on Lisa's face, she agreed.

"How about Wolf?" Lisa suggested.

Lori frowned, "We already have one asshole around here with that last name, try again."

Asshole with the last name Wolf?

Sebastian Wolf.

That's right, Luna's friend who lived here. Did that mean he was still here? I had to find him then, and figure out why he went to Wolf Cove. If that was truly him that day. And yet, Luna had been so sure.

"How about Cove?" Lisa asked.

I blinked looking up.

"That'll do," Lori hummed, "Alright, as of now you are Mira and Lisa Cove. I won't flag either of you as new people. The less people know you're new, the better off you'll be. I have to get back to work, Leon I'm sure you can show them around."

"I suppose," he sighed.

She nodded, standing, "Good. It was nice meeting you both."

I watched her go with many questions running through my mind. It didn't matter right now what I wondered about her however, I needed to find Sebastian Wolf. I needed to know why he went back to Wolf Cove.

"Alright, let's go before that dummy comes back," Leon hummed, stretching his arms above him.

Lisa sighed, "Is it the same layout? Level G is the entrance port, and entrance to the hydro mechanic area? Level 01 is the offices and job mart, Level 02 is the gym and recreational center and Level 03 is the living quarters and shops."

"Basically," Leon hummed, "Looks like you don't need me then. You two should head to the job mart if you'll be hanging around. Peace out, I'll book you guys a living quarters. Try to blend in for now."

And with that he was gone as well. A sigh escaped my lips as I looked over at Lisa. Her eyes had narrowed as she watched Leon go. I opened my mouth to ask her what was wrong when she stood suddenly. Her eyes scanned the room before landing on me.

"Come on," she gritted annoyed.

I nodded shocked by her sudden mood change, "What jobs do they have here?"

"Everything you can think of. Maxwell prides himself on pretending the City of Ash is a normal city from ten years ago. The economy runs on what's called tickets. Which are little metal tags with a stupid bird imprint on it," she explained, "it's a lot to deal with but Maxwell puts a lot of detail into his stupid world building effect."

I snickered. She was right, from the levels to the outfits – all of this was ridiculous. He acted like a god who was just an emperor in no clothes. It was only a matter of time before this whole life he fabricated crumbled down into Ash.

And I'd be sure to be there for that day. 

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