Seventy Six |

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Enjoy an update on time for once 😜❤️

Seventy Six |

Instantly, I rushed over to his side. His dark locks were longer but I was sure it was him. He smiled weakly at me, recognizing my face. Without wasting any time, I pulled off my jacket and pressed it to his bleeding legs.

"Mira, it's been a while," he chuckled softly, "I knew Allah had blessed you."

I looked at him concerned, "We can catch up later. Now, we need to fix your leg."

He shook his head, "It won't do any good. I was bit in the downstairs floor."


"Oh no," I whispered, horrified.

At his words, I pulled my jacket away, peeling his ripped jean. Sure enough, there was a deep, clear bite in his flesh. It had gotten him in a death position, tore through his muscle and halfway through his bone. It was a wonder he made it up those fucking stairs.

"Heard Maxwell's office was here," he whispered brokenly, "I-I thought maybe he had secrets to being saved. I-I thought then maybe I could cut my leg but I can feel it, it's ready too far gone. It seems I ran out of lives to live."

"Oh Omar," I whispered, tears filling my eyes, "I-I'm so sorry."

He looked up at me, a far off look in his eyes, "I found nothing helpful in his notes. Nothing but your name. I suppose at that time you would have been a child. What would Maxwell want with a mere child? So young, Summer is young too. Even now I could not help anyone. Not even those children. So sweet, so innocent."


I realized almost instantly, Omar was those kids saviour.

"Omar," I gasped, "Omar you saved those kids. They would have died without you."

He smiled slightly, "Summer will die now without her insulin. Leaving them in that apartment to die would have been mercy. When dogs drew near, I stumbled upon innocence."


"Summer's diabetic," I echoed. 

He blinked, his eyes glossing over, "Dogs will draw near once more. Maxwell couldn't stop the dogs from biting the hand that fed them. Until they fed upon flesh. Maxwell can't hide their existence. Allah is watching. Waiting. Maybe my god now gives me mercy?"

"Omar," I shook him lightly.

He chuckled, lost in his quickly failing mind, "You tamed a dog. His most loyal dog. Perhaps you will tame such beasts again? So many lives. Perhaps you are a cat. Why would a dog tamer want with a cat?"

I leaned back, taking in his form. His skin was sickly pale, I had thought that was due to blood loss but now I knew. Pain, body discolouring, I touched his forehead—it was hot as fire, and his mind was leaving him. He was turning quickly, in perhaps an hour or so he'd be long gone. Last time I left the dead to live, it was a mistake that haunted me. I could not do that again. I'd have to end him before he turned. 

"Will you pray for me Mira?" he suddenly asked.

I tilted my head towards him. A tear dripped down my face, lifting my knife.

"Yes Omar," I promised, "I will pray for you."

He smiled, his eyes closing, "I'm at your mercy. Goodnight kitty."

I leaned forward, hugging his head to my chest, "Goodnight Omar."

The knife slid effortlessly into the back of his skull. He slumped against me and out of his pocket fell a small box of insulin. I grabbed it knowing I'd have to save that grief for another time. After grabbing it I reached for the door.

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