One Hundred Eighteen |

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One Hundred Eighteen |

"She's not going to be happy to see me," a voice drafted into my head.

I twitched, slowly waking up. I didn't move, my fingers flexing slowly. My body ached with a slight dull pain. I didn't peel open my eyes, not at first. Instead, I welcomed the warmth that enveloped my body. It felt warm, and the smell of tea tickled my nose. It smelled of lavender and black tea.

"Yeah, you should go for a while," a different voice replied, "She's waking up."

I peeled my eyes open, the sound of footsteps faded. My gaze viewed the room—it was a cabin. A beautiful cabin with a lit fire, and dogs. Many, many dogs. They laid lazily on the floor, one was huge and fluffy, different colours of dark brown. Another was tiny, with a bright white coat. I counted almost eight dogs, and a man standing near the fire. My head tilted, he had ebony skin and wore thick layered clothing and high rubber boots.

"Who are you?" I demanded, pushing myself up.

I looked around, the cabin was small, but roomy. I had been lain on a couch, with a large blanket thrown over me. It reminded me of the cabin that started my entire journey and yet this one looked like time had froze long before the world ended. I didn't know where I was, but the warmth in the air and the scent of fresh pine and mint really calmed me. For a moment, I wondered if I had died—and I think, I would be ok with that.

Maybe Jessica was onto something, maybe my death was for the best of everyone.

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Izaak Mansa. Age: twenty two. I'm a Gemini, my favourite colour is blue and my favourite animal is dogs. If that wasn't obvious."

I blinked, looking back to the beautiful black man.

"Hello," I said slowly, overwhelmed by his happy aura, "My name is Mira. I-I don't know my zodiac sign. I guess my favourite colour is red and I-uh I like cats."

He frowned, nodding seriously, "I'd guess you're a Capricorn. Cats eh, typical Capricorn energy. I found your body in the river, uh you were in real bad shape but you seem fine now?"

I tensed, waiting for the questions but none came.

"Which is great! Cause I have not been back to the caves in a while," he chuckled, "I don't really get along with them, and it's a no dogs allowed vibe which doesn't really work for me."

I tilted my head as he pet one. At his attention the brown plump dog wagged his tail full of excitement, it brought a smile to my face. This man was strange, he reminded me of Noa and also Cam. Well, Cam before—my smile faded—before he lost his happiness because of me.

"I should get going," I whispered softly.

He blinked, "Why? It's raining pretty bad out and uh, I'm not sure if you're ok."

I shrugged, "I'm ok. I-I heal quickly."

"Oh cool!" he perked up, "That must come in handy. Good thing too, I didn't want to touch you and uh undress you to check for further wounds. You weren't bleeding and Bar—I thought you should dry first before we have to take off your clothes. Which I did not want to do! Anyways, do you want some tea?"

My head slowly nodded. It was startling, he was so nice and happy, not to mention he had no questions for my words at all which worried me greatly. He hummed a happy tune as he moved to the fireplace, pulling a pot off it's hot flames and moving to the small kitchen. As he did, a few of the dogs followed him curiously. He chuckled, talking lowly to them, giving each happy pets. I tilted my head, despite my suspicions of him, he was so damn happy I couldn't help but feel my heart swell. He then walked back to the bed, a cup in his hand. With hesitation I took it, smelling it deeply as if the sweet scent of mint and honey would reveal if it was poisoned.

"I have garlic too!" he said suddenly, "My Ma always said if you're sick, chew a garlic. Although the pups can't have garlic, which makes the wild garlic problem in these parts deadly. Oh! That reminds me, I should introduce my family."

"Your family?" I asked, sipping the tea, "There's more people here?"

He laughed, "You're funny. I have ten dogs. Eight live inside, and two outside. The ones outside are Rose and Philip, they're like an old married couple but huskies are always like that. Then I have eight that like to live inside more. Starting from the oldest to the youngest—" he paused before beginning to point around the room as he explained, "Mars, Astro, Quip, Lulu, Cola, Pepa, Peanut, and Kitty but she's outside right now."

I nodded, definitely not going to remember all the names.

"How's the tea?" he asked.

A smile stretched onto my face, "Good. Thank you. Uh, do you mind if I use your bathroom? I-I need a minute."

He nodded, empathy flashing in his eyes, "Yes of course. It's the second door on the left over there. I'm going to go grab some more wood from the side of the house."

I thanked him then rose slowly. These dogs made me anxious, with Barron's stupid actions so fresh in my mind it was hard to remind myself that these dogs were like the farm dogs and not like the latter. Regardless, as he took my cup, I moved slowly through the room and down the very small hall. I counted the doors in my head, and opened the correct one. The bathroom was nice, and as I hit the switch, I noticed that there was power in this cabin. I made a mental note to ask Izaak about that.

The sink worked, and so I washed my face and looked at myself. My crimson eyes looked tired, and yet there was a twinge of a smile on my lips. Izaak's vibe seemed to be contagious, it felt like time had stopped before the world ended here. Well, maybe that's also because Jessica tried to fucking kill me. My fingers curled with anger. She really tried to kill me! It was utterly insane, she was utterly insane. Who the hell tries to kill a comrade?

My gut curled, it made me wonder if that was just Samson's plan or the whole council?

I sighed softly, turning the taps off and stepping back out into the hall. As I did, I looked towards the only other door in the hall. It had been left ajar open. One of the dogs padded down the hall and slipped into the room, forcing the door open further. The door swung open and I shifted uncomfortably. I didn't want Izaak thinking I had been snooping, so I stepped forward, my fingers reaching towards the handle to close the door. As my fingers touched the smooth brass, my eyes flickered into the bedroom. There however, leaned against the wall was a very, familiar sword. 

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