One Hundred Twenty One |

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One Hundred Twenty One |

            I could see the island outline in the distance. The water was calm, and there was a thin mist that had settled across the water. I breathed slowly as the boat rocked back and forth, Barron's undead dogs pulling the boat along at a speed that was much too slow for the fear in my heart. I wondered if Jessica was back yet—she must have been back already. And if she was, what had she told everyone about me?

            They think you're dead, Zero whispered in the back of my head.

            I swallowed the lump in my throat.

            "You look worried," Barron grumbled.

            My eyes shifted to consider him, "Are you making small talk now?"

            "I don't know," he replied, looking towards the island, "Maybe."

            I stared at him before it occurred to me: he was pale, his voice shaking ever so softly—he was nervous. Afraid maybe. My mouth opened but no words of encouragement came out. I had nothing to tell him to make him feel better.

His actions killed so many on the island, not to mention he was the reason Sonar died. Afraid was a minor emotion he should be felling. No doubt the island would punish him and they didn't take prisoners. There was no point of feeding another mouth that did not contribute to the island life.

            At least for right now he was probably safe. His abilities would safe him if he didn't betray us first. The only question would be if the council allowed him the opportunity to prove his new loyalty.

            A sigh slipped from my lips.

            "We're almost there," I whispered.

            He nodded. We were close enough now that the port was visible behind the mist. Unlike the first time I had arrived, there was no on slaughter of bullets. It worried me, and yet I knew it would have been smarter to deal with any visitors in person now. With Maxwell's attack soon, every bullet had to be saved.

            My new hope was that we weren't instantly knifed before they realized it was me.

            "Hey!" a voice called, the familiarity twinging annoyance in my heart, "Who's there?"

            "Take a guess," I replied dryly.

            There was a pause, and the boat slammed into the port, rocking us viciously. Standing on the wood with pure shock and the paleness that could only be the result of seeing a ghost, Jessica stood. Rifle in hand, and eyes so wide they seemed to bug out of her skull.

            "Impossible," she whispered.

            It annoyed me terribly. This was not the reaction I wanted. I didn't want her fear, I wanted her anger. I wanted her to be angry that her assassination attempt failed so badly, not the realization that I was a true monster who avoided death itself.

            "No help up?" I snarled, before pushing myself up onto the pier.

            She blinked back to reality, pointing her gun at Barron, "Who is with you?"

            I realized now that no one had actually seen Barron on the boat. No one but me and Sonar. My tongue darted out to lick my dry lips nervously. With an unknown witness, Jessica couldn't try to kill me again. This was her failure and I could use it against her.

            "A person from the Mountain Men," I said lying.

            Barron glanced at me but didn't say anything.

            "I don't recognize him," she said slowly.

            Barron stepped off the boat, his dogs no where in sight, "That's because I'm not from the mountains. I'm the Mountain Man's official gate guard. We keep the zoms from going up the mountain, near the dam."

            Her eyes narrowed, "Is that so?"

            "Are you going to let us pass, or are we going to have another problem?" I snapped.

            She shook her head, "N-No, no problem. But I should warn you, your friends aren't here. The left alright, along with the rest of our troops. We can't let this war come to the island. It would destroy everything."

            Fear filled me, "W-What? So where is everyone?"

            "They've already taken to bring the war to Maxwell," she replied.

            Anger filled me, "You fucking bitch!"

            I lunged, my hand flying to her throat. She let out a cry, her rifle going flying, and her back slamming into the ground. I straddled her, my fingers digging into the sides of her throat as she choked, her eyes wide, her hands flying to claw at my wrists.

            "H-H-Help me," she gasped, her eyes on Barron.

            "I should let her kill you," he replied with a shrug, "Really it wouldn't make any difference to me. But I don't like you, you seem like a snake to me, so I think it would be more fun to let you waste away into nothingness. Mira, let's go. We don't have time for this."

            I took a breathe and let go, getting up, "If any of my friends die, I will make you pay."

            Barron, moved back, dropping back into the boat and I went to follow.

            Jessica screamed, her voice thick with emotions, "It's not just your friends you know! I want to be there too but I can't, I have my orders to protect the pier. It's mine friends out there too, and I can't help them. My soldiers, people I grew up with, kids given guns to fight. You're not the only one who will lose people! We all will, you're not special."

            I smirked, looking back at her coldly, "That's the difference between you and me. I'm not going to let those I love die like pawns. We both have choices Jessica, and you're choosing a title that really means nothing if you can't use it to protect those you love."

            With that, we left. Back into the boat, and towards the shore. More undead dogs pulling us along the way. As we moved along the water, my thoughts were muddled, my heart panicking and my mind trying to come up with different scenario in which all my friends were fine. But I knew better, I knew that wasn't realistic.

            "I know the fastest route back to the City of Ash," Barron said suddenly, "Maxwell won't let them get that far but we'll cut them off. With this route we can get to the City of Ash within an hour. It'll be the perfect timing—we'll arrive after Maxwell's men are sent out, and while they're distracted with the allies."

            I looked at him, "I don't want to get to the City, I want to get to my friends."

            "Think about it," he breathed, "You'll only have one chance to get Maxwell off guard. He won't leave his cement palace, and he won't know I'm helping you. This is your only chance. If Maxwell dies, there will be on point in his men fighting."

            "If Maxwell dies, they'll fall back?" I whispered.

            He nodded, "They'll have to."

            "Do you think the attack has started yet?" I asked, knowing I needed to know if my friends have already begun fighting, "Do you think they're ok?"

            "They'll be fine," Barron replied, "The attack will take place just past the city, near the forest break right before the City of Ash perimeter. Maxwell will want the fight near his land for the advantage, and enough away from the city that zombies won't get involved."

            It eased my mind and I accepted his plan, "Alright. How will we get to the City?"

            "Have you ever rode a bear before?" he replied with a smirk.

            I blinked, our boat hitting the shore, "No?"

            "Well, good, this will be the first."

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