Fifteen | Restricted Content*

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 *Graphic content not suitable for all readers:

                                                                        Gore / torture

Fifteen | Restricted  Content*

"Marianne and Felix Grant, we have received word that you had a visit from a peculiar stranger, because of this we need to search your entire settlement," the man boomed calmly.

My eyes widened and instantly I recognized him. But that seemed impossible, what was a scientist from dad's company doing here? How did he even survive in the first place? I shook my head, in any case it didn't matter. This only meant two things: he was working with the shadow men, and if he saw me my cover would be blown.

He stood in the lobby, with his back towards me as I watched him from the balcony on the second floor. Alpha and Luna stood facing him, with Jax standing at the bottom of the staircase. I noted Jax eyes slid over to where I crouched watching and I merely shook my head at him. He rose his brow in question but other than that didn't react. Good.

"That is Alpha and Luna to you," Alpha snarled back, his words venomous.

The man showed no reaction nor correction. I noted the thick pants he wore, thick long sleeve shirt with a bullet-proof vest on over top. At his side I spotted two pistols, but that wasn't what concerned me. What concerned me was his use of that damn vest. That meant the zoms wasn't the scariest thing after him. No doubt this man had blood on his hands – red blood not black.

"How quickly you forget all that we have done for your pathetic little shack," the man sighed walking over to Alpha until their noses almost touched.

I held my breath.

"Alpha, don't start an argument with them," Luna said softly.

"Quiet whore. Clearly you forget whom gave you this land. Do you know this was where we were going to build our compound? But you begged and begged, pleading us to give it to you and your few followers. Now you give refuge to an illicit?" the man spoke too calmly, with no remorse.

My hands gripped tightly at his disrespect. Luna's eyes widened, then I watched as her mouth pull into a tight line. She clearly wasn't happy however, I was beginning to understand the power that these shadow men had. That merely meant there was no place for them in this new world.

Alpha sighed, the noise bringing all attention back to him. The man tilted his head towards Alpha, and Alpha took a step back. Throwing his hands up he nodded towards the door.

"I understand your words however, if you want to search our land then you will need more than one person. As you won't take our word that he's not here then come back when you have the men to do so," Alpha's voice thundered.

"You think I'll give you time to get you off your land? I will send for backup in the morning, for now show me to your nicest room if you have one," the man snickered.

A hand grabbed me and I yelped spinning around and standing up. Lisa glared down at me, crossing her arms over her chest.

"What are you spying on?" she demanded.

I flinched at her words, "shut up!"

I flew towards her, wrapping my hand around her mouth. I watched as her eyes widened and she began to struggle in my arms, moving my other hand I wrapped her by the neck in an attempt to stop her. Instantly she froze, her eyes flashing with fear.

"Be quiet," I hissed.

"Oh my, a lovers quarrel?" the man's voice questioned with a hint of amusement.

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