Twenty - Four |

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Short update but HAPPY HALLOWEEN! 

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Twenty – Four |

We had been travelling for a while.

In silence.

A tense, ominous silence.

The rain pounding the top of the car and flooding over the windows. In the distance lightening lit up the black, rolling clouds. With the combination of rain pounding the metal hood of the car, and thunder sounding like a leather whip cracking through the air. It made me flinch only a few times, and Leon didn't spare me any consulting words.

It also didn't help the large amount of zoms around us. Those dead eyes and wet bodies reflect through the headlights of the car – out stretched hands towards us. Leon had assured me we would be fine but the rotting faces inches away from the windows. Only briefly but still enough to scare the shit out of me.

"We're almost there," Leon informed me.

I nodded, "And I'll be fine there? I heard they didn't like outsiders."

He glanced over at me briefly, "You're with me. You'll be fine."

Well ok then. His words made me queasy but Jax was at the Labyrinth and that gave me hope. A hope that was like a fire, burning deep within my heart. And then that burning hope was extinguished when I thought about who I was, and what happened to Cici.

"Hey," Leon called over at me, I looked at him, "It'll be alright."

But it wouldn't. Not until every bad person in this fallen world was dead. I sighed deeply, resting my head back against the car seat. We went on back into the tense silence, until I noticed he was driving towards a concrete parking building – that lay beyond a horde of zoms.

"Leon?" I asked concerned.

He stayed silent and I was suddenly clutching the dashboard so tightly my knuckles were turning a bone white. Panic was raising inside me and I felt like I was going to pass out. Leon sped up, the horde turned towards us. I could see the detail of the rotting flesh, and dried blood.

"LEON!" I screamed shutting my eyes tightly.

Awaiting death that surprisingly never came. Moans and grunts got louder and louder until they simply didn't. The noises of the dead slowly grew distant and with a shocking wave of bravery I peeled my eyes open. Only, we weren't being mauled by a swarm of bloodthirsty undead, rotting zoms, we were in a parking lot that was completely free of any zoms or even blood.

"Uh, what?" I gasped, swirling around trying to find the zoms.

He laughed, "It's parking lot Erin. Cities have them."

"Fuck you." I growled still not comprehending what had happened.

Not to mention, there were other cars parked all around us. He pulled into an empty spot casually then proceeded to turn the Jeep off and hop out. I could only stay in my spot and blink at him. He glanced over at me and smirked. Suddenly I realized he was waiting for me and I shrieked scrambling to get the damn seat belt off then flinging the door open and almost face planting once I got out.

Smooth Mira, smooth.

I cleared my throat and smoothed down my hair before looking at him with my dignity intact. Leon merely stood there holding back laughter. I flipped him off before choosing a direction and beginning to walk away.

"Wrong way," Leon couldn't help laughing now.

I groaned, "Then fucking lead the way Mister-I-know-everything!"

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