Three |

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Three |

Blondie and the polite one sat across from me, taking turns making small talk as Jax stood near the door watching me with that heavy glare. I knew they were stalling to make sure I wasn't infected. Although, they were being rather nice by making small talk and helping my fever go down with tea and a cold cloth for my forehead.

I watched the polite one dig around his pocket then pull out a small bottle. I eyed it with curiosity as he shook pills out into his hand.

"Now that you're awake. I have some Advil that should help," he handed me two small white pills.

I still couldn't remember their names and I felt bad asking for them. Instead I looked at him blankly. If he thought I was going to swallow pills strangers are handing me he was extremely mistaken.

"Actually, my dad's a doctor back at our town," he explained as I took them with caution.


I knocked them back dry, coughing. Ah yes, the polite ones name was Flynn. I'm sure they told me that before. Flynn looked back at Jax and they shared unseen knowledge. I shrugged it off, not really caring as I definitely would not be staying with them.

"Anyways, it's been a few hours now I guess we can deduce you probably have hypothermia and not lyssasolanum," Flynn informed me.

My body didn't move. Lyssasolanum. That's a term I hadn't heard in a year now. His father was definitely a doctor before the virus hit. The only way a doctor could have survived the first day was if they knew more than they let on. Like dad did.

"Hey, you ok?" Blondie asked softly, bringing me out of my thoughts.

My eyes flickered up to his concerned face and forced a smile. I would be in trouble if they knew my connections to Jason Brooks. Especially anyone who used the scientific term for the zom virus.

"I'm great, in fact I'll be going now. Thanks for your help and all," I chirped pushing myself up. Blondie and Flynn jumped up. I hurried to shove my stuff into my bag. Realizing I was still wearing the shorts and shirt I cursed silently. As soon as I was safely away from them I'd change. But for now, I just had to get away.

"Don't go!" Blondie called.

I ignored him and continued to gather my stuff. They seemed peaceful enough, opting to convince me to go with them and not force me but I didn't know if that would change or not. A hand wrapped around my arm, instinctively I pulled out the knife tucked into the waist of my shorts. A click of a gun sounded and I looked from Blondie who had grabbed me and Jax who now had a revolver trained on me.

My eyes narrowed.

"Don't even try it kitten," Jax snarled.

"Whoa! I'm sorry, I shouldn't have grabbed you," he slowly let go of my arm but I didn't lower my knife an inch, "we don't come across survivors often. Look, our towns a few miles off. You'd be welcomed and safe there."

"No." Jax and I spoke at the same time, then exchanged a glare.

"Jax, she's alone. She'll die out here," Blondie told him.

I was offended. My arms folded over each other as my anger rose.

"What's that supposed to mean? I did just fine until you showed up," I snapped.

Blondie looked at me guiltily but Jax laughed harshly. Flynn made his way across the room and looked out the broken window as our voices rose.

"Kitten please. You were basically dead when we got here," Jax retorted causing my jaw to drop at his rudeness.

He had no idea what I had to do to survive every day, he knew nothing because from the sounds of it he was a spoiled boy living in a cute little protected town. Not to mention even if I considered going with Blondie and Flynn, I'd rather die than go anywhere near Jax and his damn town.

"Excuse me guys, but we have company and we need to go now or our ride back to town is going to be eaten," Flynn informed us peering outside.

Jax and Blondie flew outside faster than a cat thrown into water. I looked over at Flynn who stayed at the window. He glanced over at me with a small smile.

"I'm the doctor in training, I don't engage in fights. But if you don't mind me saying, you should come with us. I think you might have hypothermia and we could help with that, and provide you with shelter and a cooked meal. Not to mention we have living breathing people. And not all of them are like Jax. But we need to leave now so it'll have to be a quick decision," he said softly before walking carefully out the door.

My teeth tugged at my lower lip as I stared down at my shoes.

"Why don't we ever go towards the other people?" I asked him as we hid behind the building.

Daddy clamped a hand over my mouth softly and I started counting. Once I got to a hundred and twenty he removed his hand, he crouched down in front of me. Those dark green eyes held the same sadness they did every day since mommy was infected.

Daddy spoke softly, "Lyssasolanum changed those infected and not infected. It's rare to find survivors and it'll be even rarer to find good people. Remember this Erin: it's so much easier to be bad than be good. Unless you have a truly good heart. And one day if you do come across people like that don't let them go."

I nodded at his words before he stood and held out his hand with a small smile.

"Let's go princess, it's getting dark."

"Fuck it." I muttered shaking away the past memory and picking up my bag. I had nothing to lose and I didn't want to be alone anymore. This would be a chance I had to take – for good or bad I'd soon find out. 

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