Fourty One |

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Forty One |

"And that's everything," I sighed finishing my story.

Alpha scratched the back of his head, "And that's a lot to take in. However, what you've said doesn't excuse the fact you've brought someone very dangerous here. Not that you knew who he was exactly. Regardless, he needs to leave as soon as possible."

"I understand," I whispered knowing he was right.

We'd only cause Wolf Cove more trouble.

"Alright, enough serious talk. You may leave when Cam does and until then you are a guest. Lia will show you to your room – Mira your room's the same as last time. Let's go see the bees later on ok?" Luna asked with a bright smile.

I sighed deeply. That was last night, and now it was almost noon. I had been hiding in my room. Honestly, I was hiding from Alpha and Luna as well as Cam. I was sure they had questions that I definitely couldn't answer. Thus, I was still in bed. At least, there was a comfort in this room.

It looked exactly the same as last time. The same soft brown carpeting against crème coloured walls. The same king sized bed with a brown cover and a few pillows stacked together, a dresser pushed to one wall, with a small side table beside the bed with a candle lantern on it. The only difference was my former stash in the bed frame was now gone. That made me worry a bit, but after telling Alpha and Luna some of the truth hopefully that covered for some.

A knock sounded on the door and I sat up, "Come in?"

Thinking it was Luna or Cam I was utterly surprised when Lisa stepped through. She looked just as I remembered – darker tanned skinned, brown braids and hard, brown eyes. Today she wore a long dress with long sleeves – a dress that hid those tribal tattoos I once remembered. Instantly, my eyes narrowed.

"What do you want?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest.

She flipped her braids over her shoulder, "You said I could come in."

"I thought you were Luna or Cam. Get out."

She rolled her eyes, "Fine, I just thought you'd want to know who got rid of all your secrets. I guess not then."

My blood turned to ice at her words. Of course. Of course it had to have been her. Instantly, I was out of my bed and storming across the room. My hand found her chest as I shoved her back. She let out a hiss before falling against the closed door.

"What do you want then? Blackmailing me?" I snarled.

Her eyes widened before they narrowed, "As if I would do anything so sketchy. I did it because I wanted to. Simple as that, you don't need to be such a bitch about it."

My eyes continued to stare at her as I wondered what she was planning. Her actions were suspicious, and almost nice. But Lisa was definitely not nice and she didn't do anything nice for me ever.

"What are you planning?" I demanded.

She looked up at me before sighing loudly, "Look, I want to be your ally."

My ally?

I couldn't help but laugh, "What are you talking about?"

"You and Leon – you're going to the City of Ash aren't you? Take me with you!" she snapped almost desperately, "You have to take me with you!"

"How do you know about that?"

"Alpha and Luna really didn't tell you anything huh? B-But I will! Just please, trust me," she whispered, her head hanging forward in defeat, "I need to go there. For my brother's sake."

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