Twenty - Eight |

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Twenty – Eight |              

The rain had lessened by the time I had slipped out of Jax's bed and outside. The two guards were still on duty and I mumbled a thank you for their previous help and did my best to ignore their knowing smirks.

I walked through the rain, noticing that the roofs were almost empty during the night. Realizing I didn't know where I was supposed to meet Leon, I wandered through the city upon the roofs. Above us, the thick clouds blocked out the thousands of stars but, didn't seem to stand a chance against the moon.

"Erin," Leon's voice called.

I turned, and noticed the man standing against the gate to the garden with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I scowled at the sight and walked over, through the dark I could make out the makeshift iron fence circling around the garden and the rows of dying plants.

I knew it was only natural – winter was right around the corner – but still, the sight sent shivers of unease through my body. Every year it was only getting harder to survive. I doubt I'd be back to this town upon the roofs, but I truly wished them well.

"Rumor going around you and that man, Jax have a thing. Are you sure you want to leave?" Leon hummed dropping his cigarette to the ground and crunching it with the bottom of his shoe.

My face heated and I looked away, "Are we going or not?"

"Yes, we are. Come on, we'll be taking my car. Let's go," he ordered.

I nodded, following after him. We descended back down the metal stairs faster than we had previously climbed them and, quickly found ourselves back in the parking lot were his car was parked.

My eyes drifted towards those metal sheets that separated us and them and shivered slightly. Leon had promised it was mainly safe, as the sheets were checked and oiled weekly, and full sweeps of the parking lot happened daily but it still made me nervous.

Leon's Jeep was easily spottable and I began walking in that direction. The car lit up and let out a loud BEEP which had me shriek and jump back much to Leon's amusement. My hand clutched my chest as he laughed.

"Asshole," I hissed pulling the passenger door open fuming.

He rolled his eyes, still smirking, "Just make sure to wear your seat belt."

He closed his door and started the car. I knew what was coming, I knew we were going to drive through the sheet. The car would squeeze thought the bottom of the sheet as it drove – and if any of the zoms found themselves in that time framed gap they would be crushed.

It still made me entirely nervous.

I shut my eyes tightly as the Jeep began to move. As the SKKKKT of the metal sheet shifted nosily, I tucked my head between my knees and focused solely on my breathing.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Tapping on the window told me we were out of the safety of the Labyrinth and into the horde of city zoms. The jutted moans were in many and close against the glass windows and my breath caught as I could hear the car slowing. There was just too many of them.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

The Jeep lurched forward, my hands flew to the dashboard to steady myself and Leon let out a bark of laughter. Tires squealed against rain soaked pavement and the car started to move smoothly – even gaining speed.

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