One Hundred Two |

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Double update cause y'all are driving me insane.

One Hundred Two |

After the night's occurrence, Sonar let me sleep on the floor of the garage, in a sleeping bag. He then woke me up after four hours of sleep to continue the building of the stupid birdbath. Unfortunately, Sebastian decided this would be a good time to appear.

"Great," I hissed, "To add to my good mood."

"Hey love," he said softly, "Can we talk?"

"No," I replied, "I'm busy."

"No you're not!" Sonar piped up, "Take a break Red eyes to talk to other Red eyes."

I rolled my eyes, looking back to Sebastian, "What do you want?"

"I want to apologize," he replied, "That despite expressing how I felt about you to Jessica, she did not take the hint and then made a display that made you feel shitty. We met out at the mainland, one of the fences were down and a zombie attacked her, anyways she seemed nice and like my first friend here. I've talked about you nonstop."

My guarded exterior broke a bit, "Ok."

"Not love," he sighed, "It's not. You're not happy here. Say the word and we'll go."

I sighed, "Are you happy here Sebastian?"

"I'm happy wherever you are."

My head shook from side to side, "You found your place here."

"Love," he whispered, taking a step forward, his hands moving to hold my cheek, "My place is with you. The world can change over and over again but you will always be my home. I like being here, but I like being here with you."

"Then why didn't you follow after me?" I whispered.

He smiled faintly, "This place, it's different from the city of ash but not by much. Sonar, the man you were with. I heard of him. He was originally in charge of zombie control but made a bad call and got replaced. I don't know how he's still on the council but he's nice."

I tilted my head, "What do you mean?"

"Lieutenant Samson warned me that if I left the port," he whispered softly, "Then I'd be treated like one of Maxwell's dogs. I would be marked with treason and I would be locked in the pound. Then I would be questioned like one of his dogs."

My eyes widened in horror, "They can't do that!"

"Yes Love," he replied, pressing a kiss to my cheek but as a ploy to whisper in my ear, "They can. Jessica is the Lieutenant's daughter. Her real purpose is to watch my every move. I'm sure I'm the last person she's interested in but pretending to be interested in me is a clever way to watch my every move. I over heard her report to her father. They're watching us all. Closely. Waiting for the wrong move."

My eyes flickered to Sonar who was at the door of his trailer, Teal in his hand.

"Should we leave?" I replied softly.

He pulled away, "Play by their rules and they'll be nice. Besides, they're not going to let us just leave. That's why were all separated. I'd bet my life they won't let us all meet up at the same time."

But I was terribly at playing by rules.

"That sucks," I groaned, "Ok. What do we do?"

He hummed, "We need to regroup. I'll check on Oliver, can you get to Lisa?"

An idea popped up in my head, "We need to be needed."


I grinned, "We need to be so indispensable that they need us to stay. Then we can get them to go after Maxwell and we can pull the strings."

"Alright Red eyes," Sonar called, "Back to work."

Boldness filled me and as Sebastian turned to leave I grabbed his arm, pulling him towards me. I didn't know what it was or maybe I wanted to make our relationship clear but without hesitation, I pressed my lips to his. His eyes widened, but he kissed me back. Our lips moving in unison. My eyes fluttered shut, my hands grasping the back of his head, his arms wrapping around my waist. Then, I pulled away, desire and pleasure vibrating through my body.

"Permission to brag about this to Jessica?" he teased.

I laughed, "Only if you film it."

"We have a priest if you two are trying to tie the knot," Sonar piped in.

My eyes rolled, "Yeah, ok."

Sebastian paused a cheeky grin on his face, "Unless that's the perfect idea."

I blinked, "What?"  


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