One Hundred Seven |

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One Hundred Seven |

Channeling my inner Zero, the zombies didn't pay me much mind. They did however, pay Sonar more of a mind than I wanted them to. It didn't seem like a worry however, as Scar discouraged them easily. We made it to the boat carefully, I circled around Sonar allowing him to lead the way. Luckily for us, once we reached the boat it was as if the zombie animals no longer found interest in us. I finished any stumbling zombies that inched much too close to Sonar, and he grunted thank you here and there. Closer now, I could see the steering room on fire, the flames quickly building.

"The boat is on fire," I gasped to him.

He nodded in agreement, "It is indeed. We should move fast then."

So we did. Moving quickly onto the side. Sonar went first, making a long jump forward onto the boat's ramp, then pivoted to offer me a hand. I smiled at that and took it, using his arm to pull myself onto the boat. Sonar grunted, Scar landing on his shoulder.

"Damn red eyes," he snickered, "You don't skip meals, do ya?"

I gasped, "That's rude?"

"I'm only joking with ya," he howled.

My eyes widened, and I realized he was afraid. His face was slightly pale, a sheer layer of sweat across his skin. He was afraid of what we had to do—no doubt the mixture of zombies and the fire getting under his skin. Silently, I took the lead. My sword firm in the grasp of my fingers as I moved across the deck and towards the stairs. As we did, a roar cut through the air. We both froze and my eyes widened.


A familiar rotting bear jumped forward, onto the deck.

"What the fuck," Sonar gasped, "Is that?"

My breath hitched, "Sonar you go ahead. Steer the boat away from the island."

"The hell are you going to do?" he demanded.

I smiled weakly, my stomach churning, "Me and this guy have a bit of a past."

"I'm not leaving you here with that thing," he said slowly.

The bear let out a roar, charging forward. It's eyes (eye considering) only on me. I thanked the universe for the small miracle and as it reached me, I pulled my sword free and slammed the blade into the bear's right shoulder as it's teeth bit down into my own shoulder.

"You don't have a choice!" I yelled, "Go!"

He hesitated before taking off. Pain laced my body, it bit down further and I let out a strangle scream, using my body weight to push the sword further into it's flesh. Suddenly, it whipped it's head, dragging my body onto the floor then using my body to mop the fucking deck. It hurt, hot searing pain of it's teeth ripping apart my fragile flesh left hot tears running down the sides of my face.

I panted, Zero's anger filling my veins as my hands reached up, my fingers stumbling to find the hilt of my claymore before yanking it. It gave away slightly, and so I wrapped my legs around the bear's meaty paw. It snarled, lifting the other to swipe at me but before it could, I used my body again to push it back into the bear. It froze for a moment, before slowly, the bear's paw moved down and it let me go.

I panted hard, my hand moving to press against my gushing shoulder, my body tense for it's next move. That move didn't come however, as the bear suddenly dropped. I blinked, slowly rolling onto my feet and crawling forward to poke the bear's corpse with my foot. It didn't move, the only action from the festering maggots that riddled it's body.

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