Twenty Nine |

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Laptop is FIXED (sorta) so here ya go! 

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Leon leaned against the Jeep's hood noisily chewing on a stick of dried meat. My eyes had been locked on him through my rolled down window for a while now. My body shivered every few minutes and I couldn't quite understand how the cold didn't do the same to him.

His eyes slid from the forest to me in a slow motion and the man gave me a salute. I glared at him – we were only an hour away and I knew he was taking his damn time on purpose. We were so close and my heart was pounding in my ears as my nervous danced and he stood there without a care in the world.

Pushing an angry breathe from my lips and jittering my leg impatiently I turned my face away from him and towards the sky. Soft snow fell with a gentle peace – as if the world wasn't about to shatter with chaos. Leon stopped chewing, and I flickered my eyes towards him to see he had finished his stick of meat and was now smoking – his original supposed reason for pulling us over.

"You've smoked in the car before," I huffed growing annoyed, "Why is it an issue now?"

Those silver eyes watched me carefully, and he blew out a long, puff of winding smoke. I watched the wisps billow and stretch into the brisk air before dispersing outwards. And, with an angry sigh I began to mash the window button.

SKKKT – up.

SKKKT – down.

SKKKT – up.

SKKKT – down.

A bang had me pause and look up to realize he had marched over and now had his head hanging through the open window, with his arm resting on the side of the ceiling. My fingers stopped and I glanced up at his scowl with an innocent look.

"If you break my Jeep," he rumbled, "I will kill you."

"If you don't move your head, I'll kill you. Decapitation is gross Leon," I replied sweetly.

He ducked his head out of the way, and tossed his cigarette into the light sheet of snow before circling around the car. I perked up, closing my window as he shuffled into the car and shut the door however, to my distaste, he didn't move to turn the Jeep on.

Instead, he faced me.

"You need a plan," he stated after a few moments.

I blinked at him.

"I need you to survive this little trip because you need to live. So," he drawled out, continuing, "What is your plan?"


I understood.

"I'm going to kill him," I replied nodding.

"Good," I tilted my head as he spoke not liking the tone of his voice, "That is a terrible plan. Try again – let's set our goal on living until tomorrow. Which means you can't kill him."

"Fuck you," I snarled.

How dare he – it seemed like he didn't understand what was going on. It seemed like he didn't give a fuck – like he was trying to pardon Landon. He definitely didn't understand that Landon couldn't be allowed to live, that man was far too evil.

"Erin you're not using your head – you're using your heart. You need a plan – a real one not just an angry vengeance driven act," he hissed back.

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