One Hundred Twenty Three | *

501 38 4

*Your author is making sad noises. 

One Hundred Twenty Three |

The garage was just as I remembered it—except darker. The lights were off for the most part, except for the silent flickering of the emergency lights. I stepped inside, my eyes moving over the room. Something unsettling coiled around in my stomach—there was no armored truck nor car gone. Everything was just as I remembered. Except the lack of people. There was a scent in the air as well, a strange and bitter scent.

Something is wrong here Zero said to me.

I nodded, chewing on my bottom lip, "Alright Maxwell, where are you?"

Moving through the room slowly, my guard rose as I looked around, I found the staircase and pulled it open. It was pitch dark except for the exit sign above each floor number. I took a breathe, my body shaking as I descended deeper and deeper into Maxwell's city. My breath hard as memories of my last visit played in my mind. I paused at the door to level 01, taking a slow breath before pulling the door open.

"H-Hello! W-Welcome to t-t-the City of Ash," a shaking voice said.

My eyes widened, "Tammi? Is that you?"

She looked terrible. Her white dress stained with dirt and what looked (and smelt) like shit. The large office area looked no different, desks broken, papers scattered around, and just like upstairs, the lights flickered on and off. Despite that, I could see the area. There was no one here, not a single soul except for Tammi.

"Please don't close the door," she whispered as the door began to swing shut behind me.

I looked back, just as it closed. A click indicating that we were now locked in place. She let out a sob, her hands digging into her hair as she let out a shrilled noise of panic and pain. Startled, I took a careful step back, my eyes wide. The woman fell to the floor, rocking back and forth while muttering, welcome to the city of ash, my name is Tammi. What the hell had Maxwell done here? It didn't make any sense, why had he done this to his own city?

"Tammi," I said loudly, "What is going on?"

Her body froze, those wide, terrified eyes looking up at me, "Nothing! Nothing! Everything is fine here! We love it here! President Maxwell is so kind to us!"

I frowned, and she went back to rocking.

She's not going to be helpful, leave here, Zero growled.

"I'll come back for you ok?" I told her, "Once Maxwell is dead, I'll get you out."

Her rocking and muttering didn't stop so I continued on. Through the office level and then finding the next set of staircase. This time, there was light. A bright white light that lit everything in the staircase. I moved down the stairs and over to the door marked level 02 and peered through the little window. The second level from what I could see was entirely pitch dark. I tried the door, but found it locked. Maxwell was telling me there was nothing to find on the second level.

"Fine," I sighed.

I moved down the stairs more, down to level 03—the deepest level available to the public. It made me nervous, I didn't like the idea of making it this far underground only to be trapped by Maxwell like Tammi had. It didn't make any sense, and yet I had no time to understand it. Instead, I looked through the little window of the level 03 door.

All I saw was death.

I let out a scream, jumping back, my hand digging into my chest. My heart sped up, and angry tears filled my eyes. Why? Why had he done this? Letting out a loud scream, there was a click—Maxwell had unlocked the door and now invited me inside. Slowly, and reminding myself that they couldn't hurt me, I pulled the door open.

THE DEAD ZONE | COMPLETEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang