Seventy Nine |

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Seventy Nine |

After telling Sebastian everything, I didn't wait to see his responds. His eyes said enough. The shock, the anger, and the fear. It scared me and so I ran. All the way to the farm. In the distance I could see Leon and Annie with the kids picking strawberries. It made me pause, it made me realize I couldn't go dragging Leon into any more danger. He had a life here, he had found his happy ending.

"They look happy," I whispered.

"Happy. Yeah they do."

I turned, Noa stood there walking their dogs. I stayed silent as he let them off their leashes. Instantly, the happy dogs went running for Annie. I didn't watch that exchange, but instead watched Noa. He seemed off, that smile on his face didn't quite meet his eyes. I frowned, full of concern.

"How is the outside?" he suddenly asked.

I paused, remembering Annie and Noa had been here since the start. Always taking care of the kids and the farm. They were possibly the reason the town stayed self-sustaining. Neither one of them ever had to face this world, until last night. Perhaps that was the first time they had seen zombies up close. Felt the danger they possessed.

"It's scary," was my reply.

He nodded, "It is. Last night we kept all the kids in the attic. Leon guarded the front door an' Jax guarded the outside. I did nothin'. I couldn' do anythin' to protect them. One got past Leon, broke the back window. Could hear it scratchin' at the attic door. Without thinkin' I flung open the door an' grabbed the bitter by the shirt. Shoved him good, he fell down the stairs an' hit his head on the railing. Didn' get back up after that."

"I'm sorry you had to do that," I whispered, taking a step towards him.

He shook his head, his eyes flicking to mine. I paused again, seeing a shift in those grey eyes. Excitement and fear. My eyes widened as I realized what he was saying. He had gotten a rush from dealing with that zombie. A rush no life on a farm would cure.

"There is nothing safe out there," I said quickly, shaking my head, "Nothing compared to in here. If you leave, you'll never know life, you'll only know survival."

He looked at me, smiling slightly, "Everyone knows us here as the food growers and orphan raisers. No one sees us as Noa or Annie. They only see us as the twins who do charity. I have no choice about my own fate here. With Leon here, Annie don't need me. I'm only getting in their way, Leon still sleeps in a guest room for Pete sakes. All I'm askin' is next time you go out, lemme come with you."

His words made me angry. They were words of a privileged man who has known nothing but safety. He didn't understand the ignorant suffering behind his words. It made me want to shake him and yet, I held back. Maybe, for him, this place was his nightmare. I sighed, it didn't matter. Either way, I would not be apart of sending an innocent man to death.

I shook my head, "I-I won't. I'm sorry, I won't do that. I won't put your life in danger for an over-glorified version of what you think this world is."

Then, I walked away. Away from the farm knowing the longer I stayed the longer the timeframe for me to change my mind. So I was back to running. Down the road, ignoring the guards who had finished moving the bodies and now were raking over the blood stains etched into the dirt road. I could feel a hot breeze against my skin. The skirt of my dress flying up around my thighs.

Reaching the townhouse, I stepped inside wondering where Lisa was. Most likely back with that guard she had slept with. Death drove people together and Lisa was so exception. I hoped she was with him, I hoped she saw a life here and out of danger. Or maybe she'd return to the Wolf Cove. Either way, I hoped she'd find her place somewhere safe and out of danger.

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