One Hundred |

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Holy shit! One hundred chapters so far!!!

One Hundred |

            Silence had filled over us, and I had moved from escaping to sitting on top of one of the tables. She stood against the wall, her arms over her chest and a neutral l look on her face. Honestly, she didn't look like wouldn't care much if she had to kill me or not. Sighing softly, I looked up towards the camera. Was she waiting for orders?

            "I was sent to convince you to stay," she then said.

            I blinked, looking back at her, "But you're not going to?"

            She shrugged, "I don't really don't care either way. To me it kind of sounds like you're trying to make the world revolve around you when in reality no one could care less."

            My eyes narrowed, I got the vibe she didn't like me very much.

            "Leave or don't," she replied, "But remember your decision somehow convinces those around you to obey your every command. The people here just want to survive, you don't have to like their methods but acting like a child every time something bad happens is deadly. Not to mention one of your followers is not immune."

            I chuckled bitterly, "That's a lot for someone you just met."

            "We have been following you since your cancer treatment," she replied, "We know everything, we know about Landon Hill, Eric Maxwell, your incidents with Oden Well, we know everything that you have done. We are not a fool, we are not childish like Eric Maxwell. This virus destroyed the world, we are thinking of the bigger picture."

            "Are you serious?" I laughed, "You guys ordered the virus to be made!"

            Her eyes widened for a moment, "N-No. That was the old Bio-Gen."

            "Right," I snickered, "Sounds like they have you wrapped around their finger."

            Ophelia frowned, "I believe in their cause."

            "Is that why you left Oliver or did they really kidnap you."

            This bitch didn't respond. I heard all that I needed to hear. Shoving past her, I moved to the door, and of course it was locked. This time, I shot the camera the most heated look I could muster. What were they expecting? Ophelia and I would become buddies and I'd want to stay because of that? Stupid. Not to mention she was rude as fuck.

            "I control the doors," she hummed, moving to sit on the table, her legs spread.

            I glanced back at her, "Ok, so open them."

            "We're not done talking," she commanded, "Sit down."

            I turned, baffled, "Are you joking? You came in insulting me, insulting my friends and devaluing all the shit I went through. I did not pick to get cancer as a fucking child and I did not pick to have this virus. You came in with prenotions off spying on me for years. You got to sit back and judge me, judge my decisions without being there. You got to laugh and rewind when I made the wrong decision, you got to rewind and rewatch and plan how 'thing would have been different if I was in her shoes' but you weren't and I had one life. And what about you, because to me it seems like you hide behind the association of Bio-Gen. You keep saying 'we' because you are so worried about living your own like that you pretend they need you."

            She said nothing, her face revealing nothing.

            "It's so easy to judge," I sniffled, my eyes growing hot with tears, "When you're not the one in my shoes. My choices had consequences, people died because I made the wrong choice and I can't go back. Every place I have been hasn't worked out because of my blood, I don't want to be a test subject, I want a life. I want to be happy."

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