Fifty Four |

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Fifty Four |

After leaving the horrible scene, we headed towards the elephant cage. Our mission next was the Grapple – we hoped David and Omar would either meet us there or back at the car. It sucked, as much as I wanted to go after them the zoo was a large place. Not to mention with whatever killed Ash on the loose...

"This fucking sucks," I hissed, repeating my thought outloud as we walked down the cobblestone path.

Kira nodded, her almond eyes sliding over to me, "What could have done that to Ash?"

My head shook – I had no idea. However, it meant something big enough to rip apart a man is here. It had my mind whirling with horrible nightmarish ideas. What if animals had survived? And on zombie flesh. The idea sounded insane but what if these animals had evolved to survive?

What if they had learned to become bigger monsters than the monsters out here?

The idea was terrifying.

"Don't focus on that right now," Sebastian said lowly, "We need to focus on moving. Everything else comes second."

"I agree," I sighed, "but we also need to worry about whatever the hell killed Ash. It could be us next. We need a plan just in case we do encounter whatever creature that was."

"I'll handle it if it comes to that love," he replied with a wink.

A snort bubbled from my throat, "We can use your death to escape maybe."

"Your lack of trust hurts my heart."

"Your lack of intelligence hurts my head."

Kira stopped walking to whisk around and stare at us, "Why are you both being so chill about all of this? Ash is dead, Omar and David are missing and we're basically completely fucked. I don't understand any of this!"

My mouth opened, when Sebastian stepped forward to throw an arm around her shoulder, "Kira, love don't stress out so much. Everything will be fine until we die. And when we die we certainly won't be conscious to worry about death so even then everything will be fine."

She simply blinked at him, "What?"

"This is coming from a man who thought telling everyone his name was Bastian would trick people into not realizing he was Sebastian. Not to mention wearing all fucking black," I snapped.

He rolled his eyes, "Love I wish you'd be more supportive of my lifestyle."

My mouth opened but before any words could tumble out a large howl cut through the air. We all froze – eyes growing wide and panic evident on our faces. I spun, my eyes scanning the area of small booths and fenced in pens.

Sebastian grabbed my arm, hauling me backwards, "It was distant but we need to go."

"Oh god I don't like this," Kira hissed as we started moving at a faster pace across the path.

We followed Sebastian – he hurried to a small food stand before jumping over the counter. Kira scrambled over next, and I followed. We sat hunched down against the counter as Sebastian closed the window.

He then sat on the floor beside us. Kira brought out the map and opened it with shaking fingers. My eyes scanned the map – I pointed to where we were now. At a little food stand. The closest out of the final two was the elephant enclosure. Even then it was about a ten minute walk away – five if we jogged.

"What's the plan then?" I asked looking up at Kira.

Kira rubbed her face distraught, "I-I have no idea. We need those herbs but at what cost?"

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