Thirty |

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Finally got a new charger for my laptop and everything is right in the world. 



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Thirty |

Leon was whisked away to talk to Alana and I knew it wouldn't be long before I was called to join them. In the meantime I went back to the house and instantly regretted it. The house felt stale and smelt of dust – I didn't understand how that was possible when we had only been gone a few weeks yet, I wasn't surprised. It was as if the house knew she was gone.

I'd make sure it wasn't for good.

A voice cleared behind me and I turned, my eyes narrowed at the bitch who stood in the doorway. Caren's eyes were cast down like the coward she was and I noticed she was careful to stay on the porch.

"What?" I snarled with as much venom as I could muster.

Her blue eyes stayed trained on the ground and she took a step back, her hand running through her short hair, "Alana has summoned you."

"Of course," I mocked darkly, "I'm sure she wants to know what happened that dreadful day."

Those blue eyes then darted to me and in a quick motion her hands grabbed my arm tight, the terror on her face spoke more volumes than the sudden loss of pigment in her cheeks, "You can't! You can't tell her the truth."

I tilted my head, my lips curling back into an evil grin, "So he did tell you something. Why shouldn't I tell Alana the truth then fucking hang you by that thick fucking neck?"

She shuddered, letting my arm go, "You don't understand my cousin. He's not – he's not this evil man. He wasn't until he met Maxwell."

I froze, my eyes growing wide and my breath caught. I didn't cover it well, and Caren's eyes flashed with recognition. She gasped, lurching through the door then slamming it shut behind her. I snapped at her but she ignored me, tears pricking in her eyes.

"You know of him and you're allowed to live? Then, you can beg for Landon's life. Please Mira, I know we don't get along but–,"

"–I'm going to stop you right there. I don't know who this Maxwell is, and it sounds like I don't want to ever meet him. My business with Landon goes that far – nothing more. If he turned into an evil fuck because of Eric then oh well!" I snapped.

She blinked at me slowly, "Who's Eric?"

I cursed myself for revealing so much, my only luck was Caren was stupid, "Let's go."

"But," she breathed.

I shot her a dirty look and opened the door. I didn't wait for her to follow, my feet quickly finding the path and walking down it. I wondered if Leon was still holed up at Alana's – I hope he wasn't locked up or being interrogated too badly.

The walk was short, but the wind was bitter and relentless – winter waited for no man, and it seemed no man could compare to her cruel ways. My hand rose trying to block against the wind slapping against my face.

Walking to Alana's felt like it took hours rather than minutes, or perhaps it was more the dread I felt in my heart. Despite what I had told Caren – who I now realized was indeed very close to Landon, I couldn't have Alana finding out the truth.

Not until the moment was right.

I sighed, my feet hitting the bottom step of Alana's porch and I jolted back to my current surroundings. I breathed out slowly, then inhaled the chill, crisp fresh air. Then, with my courage I ascended the steps and stood in front of the door. My fingers stretching to knock.

Before they got so far however, the door swung open and revealed the old woman dressed in a black sundress. I paused, my lips curling into a surprised pout and Alana's eyes scanned me top to bottom.

"Oh good," she hummed, "I am very glad you're alive. Your friend Leon was just telling me of your plans to leave in a month's time to travel. Tell me, what is your plan towards dealing with Landon in the meantime?"

My eyes widened and bulged, as my breath caught.



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