Eleven |

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Eleven |

It was almost midnight and Jax hasn't been back to pick me up yet. Annoyance boiled through me as I sat on the porch alone. I had tied my hair back, thrown on my thicker sweat pants, my boots and my long sleeve black shirt.

Unfortunately, I had lost my gun in my scuffle with those zoms at the farm and so I had my hunting knife at my hip, my razor in my shoe and my smaller knife in my pocket. All that was left was that damn Jax.

"Daddy!" I screamed.

The man looked up, his jaw hanging off by bloody strands. I gasped, my little eyes widening into the size of saucers. It surged towards me. A jutted growl left the bottom of the zoms throat and I stumbled back, falling onto my bottom.

"Daddy?" I whispered hoarsely with fear.

"Erin! Run!" Daddy's voice was too far away.

It fell onto me – its mouth falling onto my pelvis bone. Pain surged through me as a bloodcurdling scream left my lips. My vision failed me then, as my eyes rolled into the back of my head.

After that all I saw was a river of blood.

Something touched my arm and I screamed, pulling my blade out. A hand shot out – stopping my wrist from going any further, and I blinked harshly a few times. My eyes stung with tears and I looked up at the face of Jax.

His face was shaped into that same blank and cruel expression however, those hazel eyes. I whimpered slightly the memory of the past leaving its painful toll on me, and those eyes, they were etched with concern.

He was concerned, for me I realized. His body was thrown over me, flat against the porch floor and one hand pressed against my hip as the other restrained my wrist. Realizing I held my knife above my head – in the restrained hand – I let it go.

It clamored to the floor, and I became very aware of the man that practically lay between my legs. My face heated as my free hand moved to push his chest off mine, I was very aware of every part of him that was pressed up against me. And I felt something strange inside me. Something dark and full of desire. A single tear ran down my face and I let myself grow slack.

"Are you alright?" His voice was like velvet.

I gulped in air harshly as I desperately wanted him off me. No I wanted him inside me. My jaw dropped at my own stupid thoughts and with a surge of power I shoved him off me and at up. I was breathing hard, and I did the only thing I could think to do: I slapped myself across the face.

"What the hell are you doing?" he grumbled.

My face felt hot now and I looked over at him to glare. I ignored his stupid question and picked up my fallen knife, pushing it back into its sheath at my hip. I don't know what I was thinking just now but it must have been a reaction do to my memories. Of course, that had to be it.

"You're late," I snapped crossing my arms over my chest.

He rolled his eyes, "I was in a meeting with Landon. We'll head out now. You can ride with me or on your own – your choice."

Ride with him? That would mean I'd be pressed up against him again. I squeaked, my face heating up once again and I took a step back away from him. He looked at me blankly and I wildly shook my head.

"I-I'll ride alone," I gasped.

"Suit yourself," he hummed amused.

I flipped him off. He merely laughed as we began our walk towards the gates. Riding meant we'd be taking horses and I remember from last time, the horse stables were just north of the gates – just before the solder houses.

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