Seventy Three |

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*if you haven't yet, please read the Author's Note at the beginning of this book! 


Seventy Three |

I wiggled my feet off the roof. We had successfully made it to the town houses and now I waited for Jax to finish searching the house for zoms. While I suggested we all go in together, the man insisted he go by himself. Suggesting the front door may had been left open and the horde inside, which I argued we'd hear a bunch of zoms inside but he didn't seem to listen to me anyways. Then, after a moment or two, the man was crawling back up onto the roof from a gaping hole in the attic. My head tilted to watch him as he pulled himself up, grunting as he did.

"All clear?" I mused, leaning on Lisa's shoulder.

He looked sorrowful, "It's clear. The front door and windows are boarded up..."

"But?" Lisa demanded.

Jax sighed, running fingers through his hair, "Looks like the family starved to death. Probably too afraid to leave. Seems like their last stand was trying to go through the roof but when they realized the situation they went back inside."

"Sounds like the only option for many people," Sebastian hummed, sitting beside me, "When the end of days hit people were scared. They did the only thing they were taught. They boarded themselves inside and waited for time to take care of everything."

"But it didn't," I whispered knowing very well.

"No it didn't," Jax replied darkly.

A silence fell over us, my gaze turned to the number of undead below. Those cold, rotting fingers were so close now. Only two stories below. We had grown lucky that this town house had been previously boarded up and that the boards had held for so long, but our lucky would eventually run out. So, the best thing we could do was rest quickly and come up with a new plan.

"Alright," I sighed, "Let's head in. We need to discuss a new plan and rest."

"I'm fucking exhausted," Lisa cried standing up and taking a large step backwards, away from the edge, "Let's get inside and sleep until the world's not fucked."

I rolled my eyes at her dramatics but stood as well. As I did, the blood rushed to my head and I tethering on the edge of the roof. Sebastian's hands instantly shot out to catch me and he send me a concerned look I ignored. We hadn't eaten in two days and I stood up too fast, being lightheaded was a very normal reaction.

"Need help?" Jax asked Lisa, his hand out.

The perfect distraction for me to step away from Sebastian. Lisa merely snorted at his hand, muttering something about not needing a damn hand to drop down a few feet, and then proceeded to do such into the attic. Jax rolled his own eyes before jumping down. I smirked at the woman before edging down to the hole myself. Pausing then staring down into the dimly lit attic. My gaze escaped me for a moment and I could feel my body pitch forward.

I let out a gasp, my hands flying back as Sebastian grabbed the back of my jacket. I blinked once then twice. Heat filled my body as I tried to shake my head free of whatever the hell was happening. I edged back to the hole only to be yanked back by Sebastian.

"What?" I demanded as he spun me to face him.

His arms wrapped around my waist, on hand on my forehead. Instantly, his eyes narrowed, and a scowl grew on his face. Despite his scowl, I paused for a moment as his eyes caught my attention. Never did I really pay attention to their crimson hue with swirls of gold that danced in the sunlight.

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