Ninety Four | *Restricted

946 66 11

*Short chapter 'cause this gal is overwhelmed with essays and exams. 

RIP to my soul.

NINETY FOUR | *Restricted

*Animal violence

I remember going hiking with my dad once. This was before I got cancer. I remember our hikes were short, but to me they felt long. We'd go in the morning, and get back home before lunch. Then, my dad would head off to the hospital while I began eating my grilled cheese. My mom would always ask how it was and little me would be so happy to share.

Sometimes we'd see a deer or a garden snake, but one time, when the snow had melted and a cool spring breeze was in the air, my dad took us to a small river. He told me this river was a place he'd take me a lot when I was just a baby. He said it had begun to get smaller and smaller over the years but he wanted me to see it again before it was gone.

Across the river we saw a small bear. I wanted to play with it, but dad took us home immediately. I told my mom about the bear while eating my peanut butter sandwich, unknown to the danger's we had escaped. My mom called my dad crying, and panicked.

We never went hiking again.

Now, I knew the true dangers of nature.

Well, and of bears.

"Mira, this is not the best time to take a stroll down," I puffed, rolling over and pushing myself up, "memory lane. What the fuck."

The bear let out a snarl, blood flying from its mouth before charging towards me. I let out a cry of pain, diving out of it's way and slamming my chin into the road. Not that it mattered, by this point my entire body ached. This would have been over so easily if Sebastian was here.


Just the thought of him had my heart beating hard, I missed him.

I would save him.

"Mira!" Lisa cried now up the ladder along with Oliver.

Her gun went off, no doubt shooting at the bear. But it paid no attention to the bullets that pierced it's flesh. Instead, the bear charged again, as I picked up my fallen sword and bolted towards the ladder. It was so close now, yes!

My fingers stretched out towards the metal ladder, hope flaring. However, it was quickly destroyed as the bear's large body slammed into me. The ladder fell, and my body went flying into the dirt. A cry flew from my lips, my sword slicing through my own leg as I fell.

"Ugh," I grunted, back on my back.

I could feel the fucking bear circling around me. No doubt trying to obey Barron's orders and attempting to subdue me without killing me. So I played dead. Shutting my eyes tightly, and letting my body go slack. The bear moved closer, it's face shoved towards mine so close I could smell the disgusting rot of it's breath.

As soon as it was close, I tightened my grip on my blade before slamming it into the bear's head. It let out a roar, stumbling back as my blade cut through a quarter of it's skull and brain like butter. For a moment, it didn't move. I took that as my chance to move, rolling away from the bear and bolting.

"Mira!" Lisa cried in panic.

I waved them off, "I'm ok! I'm going to find a different roof, you guys stay there!"

Oliver hummed something before Owl was jumping off the roof and circling around me. I smiled slightly, petting his head. Behind me, I could hear the bear regaining it's movement. Looking down at Owl then my leg that was gushing blood I sighed. Shoving my sword back into it's hilt, we took off down the road.

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