Forty |

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Forty |

By the time we pulled up to the electric gate of Wolf Cove, the sky had darkened and there was a light snow raining down. We all slid out of the car, before Leon walked around it to the trunk. As he did that, I walked over to the two guards that watched us stunned. Or rather, watched the Jeep with astonishment.

"H-Halt! What business do you have here?" one of the guards demanded.

The other wacked his arm before pointing to Cam and I, "That's Cameron Chase! Jax's younger brother stupid. And that woman beside him is Mira. She's the lone warrior of the dead zone! Know who you're yelling at you idiot."

They bowed suddenly, "Welcome back, we'll send word for Alpha and Luna at once."

I blinked slowly at the two, Leon snickered from behind the car.

"Lone warrior eh?" he hummed.

My face burned and I turned my nose up, "Shut up."

The Jeep's trunk slammed closed and he threw three bags at the feet of Cam and I. Frowning, I took one. Considering I had left my own pack in the car I guessed I could help out a tad. Picking one up, Leon thrusted something into my free hand. Looking down, I came face to face with Jax's sword.

"Thanks," I sighed taking the sword.

It was incredibly light for it's size. As light as a broom stick, or maybe a mop? It was a wonder Jax handled it so well, it didn't even feel like I was holding a long, and razor sharp blade. Cam coughed lightly, making me look up just in time to see the gates sliding open.

Alpha and Luna stepped out – both dressed in puffy, winter jackets. Alpha wore a black one, while Luna wore a white one. Her hair was loose, and the black locks sat at her tailbone while her sharp green eyes were bright and roaming.

"Mira! Welcome back," she said with a smile.

I nodded, smiling back, "It's good to see you both again."

"Let's head inside," Alpha ordered, "I'm sure we have plenty to talk about. Especially the company you are keeping."

His eyes flickered over to Leo but not his face. Instead, it landed on his hand. Where his 02 that branded him valuable was on full display upon his right hand. I swallowed the lump in my throat, scolding myself for not even realizing the dangers that I had now put on Leon. How could I forget all of the troubles that had happened last time I was here?

"Lead the way," Cam said stretching out his hand and silently we followed the two back through the snow cuddled reserve.

We settled in the kitchen, just past the inner swinging doors. Once at the long table, we all sat down. Cam placed his bags on the table and I followed suit. It was cooler in here than last time I had been here with Jax. I hope it was just due to the cold weather.

"Here are the supplies you requested," Cam said as he sat down, "We have a lot to talk about. I don't even know where to start."

"How about you begin with the illicit?" Alpha growled, pulling off his coat and handing it to Lia.

Luna sighed, also discarding hers before placing it in Lia's hands, "Thank you Lia. Could you brew us some tea? Honey and mint should be good."

"Of course. Should I get Lisa to serve?" Lia asked.

Luna waved her off, "No, just leave it on the table once you're done. Thank you."

Once Lia left did Luna sit beside Alpha. Then, Alpha rubbed his hands together as if trying to warm them up. Luna stretched her hands above her head, showing off the tribal tattoos that decorated her body.

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