Seventy |

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Seventy |

I watched the sun rise over the town. It was a solum moment one that I knew might be the last time I saw this town so I took the time to memorize each and every corner. From the dips of the buildings to the way those roses along Alana's house was visible from the farm house's roof. Annie had gotten up with me, and gave me a cool outfit for the suicide mission. It was a pair of black spandex pants (which looked leather but gave me the ability to still move easily) with a black tank top. Over the fancy top was a leather jacket. Not to mention the combat boots on my feet, I felt badass.

"What inspired this outfit?" I had asked her.

I remember the blush on her cheeks, "You did actually. I started on this just before you left last time. Finished it a few weeks ago and I promised when you came back safely I'd give it to you. The kids think you're a superhero, they actually helped me pick the material and colour. You're lucky they didn't pick a rainbow-like what Sophie wanted."

I had chuckled at the thought.

After that, she had went to start waking the kids up for morning chores and I escaped up the attic to sit on the roof. I had no idea where Sebastian was but the attic was empty when I got here. I just hoped he wasn't starting trouble anywhere. A sigh slipped from my lips, I felt both exhausted and excited. I wanted to help the Town of Roses and I would always jump to do so but this mission I wasn't particularly excited for.

For many reasons.

"Mira?" Noa's voice drifted from the attic window.

I tilted my head to see the man, "Hey, sorry I shouldn't be giving the kids any ideas."

"Nothin' wrong with gettin' some piece of mind," he chuckled, "they know not to go on the roof anyways. Not until they're at least eighty. I'm just shoutin' to say you got a visitor an' all that fun stuff."

"Sebastian's back?" I asked.

He shook his head with a shy smile, "Sexy chocolate gal is back."

Sexy chocolate gal?

My eyes widened, "You like Lisa?"

"Eh, I know the gal it set on Flynn. I'm not one to go after somethin' unobtainable," he chuckled to himself, "Anyways, I gotta get back to the kiddies. She's waitin' for you downstairs."

I nodded as my heart broke slightly for him. Noa was so deserving of love but for Lisa? There was so many reasons that would never work, mainly because her taste of men. I wanted her to be happy and I was sure Flynn would be head over heels for her soon enough, Noa just wasn't what Lisa wanted.

With a sad sigh, I carefully slipped from the roof and back into the attic window. The rest was easy, slipping down the steps to the second floor then down a few more onto the ground level. There, at the dining room table eating from a plate of cookies was Lisa. Dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a white long sleeve silk button up. I grinned at her as I walked in, and she put down her cookie to fully eye my outfit.

"You look hot," she smirked, "like some government agent porn star."

I paused, blinking hard, "Like a what?"

She shrugged, "You should see the shit Daren likes to watch."

"I'm confused," I stopped her, "Who is Daren?"

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