Forty Nine |

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*Short chapter, sorry! But important anyways - trouble is brewing. 

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Forty Nine |

After my encounter with Sebastian, I found my room and was currently laying on the metal cot looking towards the cement ceiling. The situation was like a carousel missing a few horses – I didn't know what to think. The story had so many holes and so it was difficult to find the truth.

And yet he seemed to know my entire truth. Who I was and what I was. Sebastian didn't explain much about how he knew but he did tell me Maxwell seemed to be keen on finding me. And soon.

"But why?" I whispered to myself, "Why now?"

"Maybe he found out what a nice ass you have," Sebastian's voice purred making me shriek.

My body lunged to sit up and sure enough there he was against the door, "What are you doing in my room?"

The man closed the door and sat on the plain dresser, swinging his legs like a ten year old boy, "You should start locking your door. Some sicko could just walk in looking for trouble."

My brow twitched, "Apparently."

"Don't be so harsh. I just want some love," he whined tilting his head, "What were you thinking about before I walked in? Anything naughty? Come on baby, tell me your wild fantasies."

My hand moved and I whipped my pillow towards his face, "Are you ever not a fucking joke?"

"Why? Because I'm proclaiming my undying love for you? I resent that attitude Mira."

"Why. Are. You. In. My. Room?"

"I said I'd protect you didn't I?"

"No thanks."

He rolled his eyes, "Also, after the scene upstairs I know you have no idea how to control that virus below your skin. I can help you with that. If you don't learn to control your anger, you'll end up hurting someone you care about. Take my word for it."

I opened my mouth to respond yet no words came out. Instead I just looked at him. His words had been filled with such sadness – what had happened in Sebastian's life to make him so damaged? Or rather, what had he done because of the cure below his own skin?

"Also those red eyes of yours are kind of hot."

I threw the other pillow at him, "Can you not?"

Idiot deserved whatever came his way.


Deciding the room was much too stuffy for the two of us (mainly his ego that took up half he damn room alone) I asked him to take me on a tour of Level 03. He didn't disappoint after telling me he'd show me all the best make-out corners.

The idiot.

He led me away from the dorms and into a large space that seemed to have food booths and metal tables bolted to the floor. Instantly the different scents of fresh and fried, baked and boiled goods tickled my nose and had my stomach rumbling.

"You hungry?" Sebastian asked.

My teeth bit my lip as my cheeks heated, "No."

"Liar. Your stomach's as loud as a lioness in heat," he smirked.

Anger flared inside me, "Is everything sexual with you?"

"Nope," he purred, dragging me over to one of the food booths, "Just when it comes to a woman like you."

I opened my mouth to snap at him when he turned his back on me. He ordered two bowls of...something and slapped a few bills onto the counter. Curiously, I watched as a man dressed in a large, white hat and some sort of elaborate white suit came back with two steaming bowls.

"Thanks," Sebastian hummed taking them and leading me over to one of the metal tables.

I sat down, my eyes still locked on Sebastian – what was he up to? To my surprise, he slid one of the bowls over to me along with a fork. My brow went up as he wasted no time digging into the other bowl.

"What is this?" I asked after a while.

He looked up at me, a noodle hanging from his mouth, "Food? Dig in love."

"Why?" I gasped, flabbergasted.

Sebastian rolled those beautiful maroon eyes, "Because you're hungry. I'm the white knight remember? Now eat babe."

"Fine," I grumbled, my mouth drooling, "But this isn't a date!"

"Awe, let me fantasize!"

I only shook my head, a smile on my face. What an idiot.

"Hey Bastian!"

I looked up as two guards walked over briskly. Sebastian straightened as they walked over, and pushed his bowl of noodles aside. I frowned, unpleased by his sudden lack of appetite but chose to stay silent.

"You've been assigned to field duty. President Maxwell has personally asked you to check out three different areas for his new project," one of them said briefly, monotoned.

Sebastian frowned, "When?"

"Area one is to be scanned tonight. The other two areas are still under consideration," the other said handing him a white file that had a red bird soaring on the edge of it.

"Fine," Sebastian snapped, "I'm guessing he wants to discuss this with me now then?"

The guard shook his head, "No, actually General Finch would like to brief you."

Sebastian rolled his eyes then turned to me, "Stay here, I'll be back."

"No – he wants to meet your new friend as well. You both will come," the guard hummed.

My eyes widened, as I realized my cover may have been discovered faster than I had expected. But then again what did I expect? Sebastian knew the moment I walked in – I could only wonder who else knew.

"Awe, don't be like that," Sebastian purred to the guards, throwing an arm around me, "my girl doesn't have anything to do with this stuff. Don't be a stick in the dirt."

"In the system she's working for you. That's enough involvement for General Finch," one of the guards finally snaps, growing impatient, "Mira Cove will accompany you to your meeting with General Finch. He requested both so you will both go."

"Fine, fine."

"I'm serious Bastian."

"I know, we will be there."

The guards were silent before they turned and left. Back making their way through the shops and booths. Sebastian said something quietly but I tuned him out. I didn't care for any comforting words he had – I just needed to figure out what I would do if I truly was figured out.

"Mira," Sebastian said louder making my head whip towards him.

My lips were dry, "W-What?"

He sighed, "Look love, you don't have to come with me."

"No," I replied in a clipped tone, more distressed for myself, "I will go."

And I would deal with this General Finch, and I would be ok.

I had to be. 

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