Sixty Nine |

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*Sorry for the long wait, i've had some medical stuff going on, but in return here's a longer than normal update* <3

Sixty Nine |

Dinner went by quickly and soon the room's were rearranged. Sebastian got the attic, I got a room and (although both Noa and Annie offered many times) Lisa left saying she would get a room from Flynn. Well, her exact words were "I'm going to see if I can share a room with that fine piece of man" but for the sake of my sanity I altered those words in my mind.

In the bed, I tossed and turned knowing tomorrow I'd have more to deal with than just meeting up with the town's mayor Alana. I couldn't sleep, my mind was like an infected racehorse that spotted a group of teenage survivors. I sighed at the thought, and rolled over onto my side. From this angle I could see the soft rain falling outside. Despite it being the end of summer, the rain was relentless and frequent.

I flinched at the flash of lightening and the boom of thunder. It was astonishing the kids could sleep through this. When it happened again and, almost gave me a heart attack, I found my body slipping out of the bed and moving to the door. My hand fumbled to push it open when a figure on the other side surprised me. My eyes widened and my mouth parted to scream when the figure's large hand clasped over my mouth.

"Shh," Sebastian whispered wearing only his pants and no shirt.

I nodded, calming my furious heart. His hand left my mouth, and he stepped inside, closing the door behind him. I watched him very confused, as he crossed the room and slid into the large bed. My brow rose as I stared at him.

"I'm scared of thunder," he then admitted to my surprise, "and lightening."

I moved back to the bed, still with much caution but did settle beside him. I watched him carefully, as if waiting for the punch line for the silly phobia but, as if on cue, there was a loud BOOM and Sebastian flinched. I could see the flash of fear in those crimson eyes and a pang of sorrow filled me.

"Are you ok?" I asked softly.

He grinned slightly, but the cocky grin I was used to didn't meet his eyes, "Of course love, I'd take any excuse to sleep beside you."

My eyes rolled, "Of course."

A silence fell over us, but at another flash of lightening, Sebastian flinched into my chest making me yelp softly. His arms wrapped around me and he hid his face into my bosom. I relaxed slightly, and ran my fingers through his hair. I knew the man could take being ripped apart by an infected wolf like a sadist but this? I had never seen him in such distraught.

"It's ok," I cooed softly, finding a soothing pattern to my touch, "You're ok."

Emotional. He was in emotional pain one that I knew had nothing to do with a thunderstorm. I knew better to ask him about it, so instead I would just remind him that he was safe. Any touch to ground him to this moment in time and not whatever past memory that had him wrapped up in its dark clutches.

I'm not sure how much time past but it wasn't long before we were both drifting off.

I opened my eyes to complete darkness. I was naked and curled in a ball. A circle of light was casted around me giving just enough sight to see my naked body and the edges of darkness around me. I blinked hard and confused. This wasn't the dreamland I was used to, no, it felt like something was terribly wrong.

"Zero?" I called loudly.

Zero. Zero. Zero.

The name just echoed around me.

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