Thirty Six | Restricted*

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Thirty Six | Restricted*

*Mature content: graphic violence, and GORE.

"Landon, me, Leora and...," I paused to take a breath, "...and Cici had stopped for the night. I searched the house and found a zom in the upstairs office. She had hung herself – it looked like she had been there for years so I closed the door and left her there. I couldn't bring myself to take her out."

Alana nodded with warm eyes. She urged me to continue and I focused on retelling that night without any emotions. The last thing I wanted to do was start sobbing in front of Landon. He stood hand cuffed to the wall – Caren was here too.

Caren, Jax, Leon and Cam sat in chairs at the back of the room while Alana sat at the front with Ray at her side. This was a matter she wanted to keep low key in the town – she didn't want a divide in the town.

"A while later we went to bed – I awoke to the zom on top of Leora. It was too late to save her but I got Cici out of the way and disposed of the zom. I should have done that earlier but I didn't think she could escape," I continued looking over at Landon who settled for staying silent, "She didn't. Landon entered the room then, and I noticed the knife poking out of his pocket. Realizing what he had done I demanded Cici get behind me..."

I grew quiet as a lump formed thick in my throat. Memories flooded my mind and I thought of all the things I could have done differently that night. All the ways Cici could have been spared and all the reasons why this was my fault.

"We can take a break if you need one," Alana said softly.

I shook my head – this needed to be dealt with, "He stabbed her as soon as she realized the truth. Then he left just as the horde was closing in. She died in my arms. Leon arrived shortly after – he had to pry me off of Cici and drag me away in order to escape in time. And that was that."

"She has no proof," Landon hissed quietly, "That's not what happened. I thought I watched her get bit – the horde hit and got to Leora, and Cerci and her I thought. Sure I tried to poison her but that's because I was angry. Look at what she did to Aaron and Jackson!"

"Alana," Leon purred standing, "I can prove he did in fact kill Cerci."

All eyes swung to him, and Alana leaned forward, "Go ahead."

Leon strode up to Alana with ease. He took his time, holding the entire room on edge. My own breath was held as I wondered what Leon was planning and I didn't even need to glance over at Landon to know he was worried. With one glance my suspicions were confirmed and I was fed with fear.

Landon was afraid.

Leon pulled a bag from his pocket. From inside, he pulled out a knife and a single piece of paper. He placed both down in front of Alana before stepping back. Once he was back in his seat Alana picked up the paper.

"You hold the same knife that Landon used on Cerci. The paper is the blood report." Leon explained.

"I did it for the sake of the city! That bitch threatened our way of life!" Landon roared pointing at me, "She caused all of this!"

Alana sighed deeply, "I've heard enough. Landon Hill you are officially banished from the Town of Roses. You will be escorted through the main gates and I suggest you start walking away. Should you be spotted once you are walked out, you will be shot on sight. Which means we will need a new General. Jax I believe it is time you claimed your rightful title. It is what Alban would have wanted. This verdict is final. Come with me Jax, we will discuss the future."

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