Ninety |

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Ninety |

The thing I liked about Zero's place, was the lack of emotions. I felt like my soul was curled up in a ball floating in pure darkness. It was warm, gentle. I let my eyes close and the next time I opened them, I watched as Zero threatened Jax.

My eyes fluttered shut again. Next time I opened them, she was eating peaches. She seemed to be living better than I could ever. So I shut my eyes. I could feel myself beginning to fade, drifting apart. I wanted this, I wanted to be free of all this pain.

And yet, I couldn't help but hold on. Fighting against the feeling of drifting away. Sebastian's face flashed in my mind, then Lisa's did too. Cameron, Leon, and all the other friends we had met along the way. I didn't want to become nothing, I didn't want to disappear. Not when life was so beautiful and precious.

And then I watched Cameron get shot. Sebastian disappear behind the trees, staying to fight the dogs. I watched the dogs follow after us and not Sebastian. Then, I watched Lisa get bit. It was a repeat of Cici all over again.


Cici and Lisa were not the same. They were so vastly different. And yet I considered both of them my sisters, family. All of them were my family, and it seemed I was losing my family over and over again. I had been cursed by I had been cursed by my father. A price to pay for living a few more years.

I could laugh at that, my life truly was a poorly written tragedy.

And then, Zero appeared.

"Grow up," she had said.

It was funny, I never expected her to save me again, and in this way. It seemed she was always the one saving me. I guess, there was so much more to learn about Zero. I knew she was the virus and yet I didn't know what exactly she was. I guess it didn't matter, it seemed the desires for science, and philosophy were long ago lost.

Everything was for survival now.

I breathed in, then out. Finally, I opened my eyes. It felt strange being back in my own body. It felt I had awakened from a long slumber. Despite my body being in function, I felt like I had been in a long coma. My fingers were stiff, my legs feeling restless. I looked down, Lisa's head was rested on my lap as she softly snored. It calmed me, seeing her ok.

A small smile grew on my lips.

A soft growl echoed through the room. I looked up, Owl was on all fours, his shackles rose and his teeth exposed. He snarled towards the entrances, and instantly I knew something must be wrong. Carefully, I slid from Lisa, picking up my sword and moving towards the door carefully. Sure enough, below the tower more dogs had gathered. My eyes narrowed. Where had that man gone, Oliver?

"What should we do Owl?" I whispered.

There was no responds but I was sure he was worried about his master too. And yet we couldn't both go down to deal with the dogs. I couldn't leave Lisa alone in her condition but I was worried about my own ability to fight. My body was still groggy. But the cat could get infected and that would just add another problem to the list.

"Alright Owl," I whispered knowing he understood, "Stay here. I'll take care of the dogs then look for Oliver. He'll be alright, I promise."

The cat growled but he didn't move from his spot. Smiling slightly, I moved to stand at the top of the stairs, there must be at least ten, if not twelve. I clutched my sword tight enough my fingers turned white. My heart beat in my ears as I struggled to figure out what to do. Just because I couldn't turn did not mean ten dogs would not rip me apart.

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