One Hundred Eleven |

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*Yay an update! 

Ugh. Life has been stressful so...

I've been having a time so thank you all for your patience and support <3

One Hundred Eleven |

Our team was small to my surprise. Ten of us—Jessica, Oliver, Owl, myself and six other soldiers who dressed from head to toe in black armor, and a woman dressed in a long puffy coat, with faded jeans. The soldiers unsettled me, even having black mesh masks on which Jessica had told us was for their own protection. I found it odd, but didn't question it. The soldiers didn't talk either, they just followed Jessica's every order like faceless dogs. Puffy jacket lady said her name was Maeve, and as we walked towards the dock, I spotted the dove in her coat and it clicked. She'd be our communication person.

"Come on," Jessica snapped, jumping onto the boat we'd be taking.

I bit my lip nervous to get onto another boat so soon. This one was smaller, but it still reminded me of Sonar, and his sacrifice. The soldiers climbed onto the boat, and one turned to help Maeve up. Then Oliver climbed on, and Owl jumped onto the boat after him. I shut my eyes for a moment, frozen in place. The engine ripped alive and the scent of gasoline reminded me all too much of the grandfather that had been torn from me.

"Hey!" Jessica yelled, making my eyes snap open, "Come on. Let's go."

I rolled my eyes, taking a deep inhale before jumping onto the boat. I sat beside Maeve, my fingers digging into the railing as the boat took off across the water. As it did, the wind sprayed trickles of water towards us, a coldness thick in the air. I shivered, placing my hand on Owl. He comforted me with purrs, and I distanced myself from the memories of Sonar's goodbye.

Eventually, we stepped off the boat and onto the city port. The guards stepped off first, their guns loud as they cleared any stragglers. I was surprised at first, there was little to no zombies and it seemed using guns here wasn't a noise issue. My eyes flickered over to Oliver who was just as tensed as I was—we seemed to be on the other side of the city—far away from the Labyrinth and the hospital. That also meant we were heading in the wrong direction of any of the settlements we knew. Hell, this side of the city was unfamiliar to me.

"Let's move," Jessica barked like a dog.

I didn't obey, "Where are we going?"

She gave me a bitter look, "Did you forget your mission already?"

"I think Mira is confused as to where we are going. We are at the wrong side of the city," Oliver piped in, pointing across the way towards the island but also the other side of the way, "We came from that side when we arrived. The zombie boat also came from that side as well."

She tsked, "We're going to the closest settlements first. That means the Ghost Town is first, and that's North. You came from the South."


"Alright," I drawled out, eyeing her up and down.

Honestly, I didn't trust Jessica at all—she gave me Landon vibes. For all I knew she was planning to kill Oliver and I off as soon as she got the chance to. Even these guards were her soldiers—Oliver and I were outnumbered here and I knew that bastard had picked this team for that purpose.

Beside me, Owl rubbed his fat head against my fingers and I smirked softly, relaxing slightly. He silently reminded me that it wasn't two against the group, it was three against the group and while that meant nothing, it did comfort me.

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