Eighty Five |

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Eighty Five |


We continued down the path, Cameron sat upon his horse as Sebastian led the way. In my pocket the journal sat heavy. I knew I'd have to destroy it in secret, if Sebastian found me doing so there was no doubt he'd take a book until Mira returned.

If she ever returned.

I moved from my place behind the horse over to Sebastian. He glanced at me, distrust and confusion clear in his eyes. It was understandable but in this moment I wasn't going to start trouble for Mira's guard dog. Instead, I had a few questions, sparked by my own curiosity. Well, maybe I also wanted to break him just a bit. The faster he lost interest in Mira the better. He might be the only person to convince her to fight me, I couldn't let that happen.

"You met up with Luna? Last time I mean." I asked.

His brow arched, "Yes I did. Why?"

"You liked her at one point," I replied with a shrug, "Didn't you? When you all lived in the City of Ash. I assume she told you that she's pregnant. She's due at any point now. That can't make you feel good. So why are we going back there? Why are you?"

His eyes widened. For a moment I saw something flash there, an emotion I couldn't determine. Then, it was gone. I could feel Mira stir in the back of my mind—she was it too. I smirked, I could feel the growing pain inside our heart, but I welcomed the feeling.

"You don't know what you're talking about," he said firmly.

My smirk grew, he was angry, "I don't that's why I'm asking. From the looks of it you still have feelings for her. Maybe we're going back because you can't bare to be away from her as much as you can't bare to be near her. So what is Mira to you but a replacement Marianna?"

Suddenly Sebastian stopped dead in his tracks. I let out a small gasp, my eyes widening as he turned to face me. I don't think I've ever seen him so angry—not to Maxwell and not to Jax. It startled me, but I knew he was nothing compared to me. I was an inferior being, my being had taken over the world, he could not make me afraid.

"I don't care what shit you think," he hissed, "But you will not put stupid ideas into Mira's mind. Sure, years ago I did but not enough to leave the City of Ash, not enough for it to have any effect. Mira loved someone at one point in her past too, but that's in her past as Marianna is in mine. Don't confuse the past with the future and don't hurt Mira again. Mentally is just as bad as physically."

I said nothing, my eyes wide as he leaned towards me. He seemed satisfied in my reaction before turning back to the road and walking off. I found my breath coming harsher than normal and my hand moved to my chest. I could feel my face heating with rage. How dare he! Did he not understand that I only let him live because I wanted him to be alive?

"Mira?" Cam asked.

I looked up at him with a glare, "What?"

He frowned, getting off his horse and grabbing the reins, "What is going on with you? You're acting so strange lately. I-I'm so confused. With what happened at the Town of Roses, and with Jax...I-I don't think you're ok."

I sighed, my head beginning to hurt. This was all getting extremely complicated, it was moments like this I used to hide in the back of Mira's mind. Shutting her and these silly problems away, however now that was not possible.

"I'm fine," I replied sharply.

He frowned, those kind eyes growing, "Mira, please."

"No," I snapped, "That will be enough. If I am not ok then I have every reason not to be and seeing as your Jax's brother I don't want to discuss it with you. Just shut up!"

He paused, and for the first time I felt guilt.

Pathetic feeling.

I turned before it got the best of me. I felt like I had maggots crawling across my body, they felt like they were in my lungs making it hard to breath. I-I didn't like this feeling. My feet moved faster and faster as if I attempted to outrun it—directly into Sebastian's back. An oof fell from my lips as I stumbled backwards. His stupid fucking hands moved to steady me. I looked at him, panting hard now.

"Are you alright?"

Funny, he looked genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine," I replied softly, calming my breath.

His hand rubbed my back, "Cam is that lavender over there?"

Cam looked to where he pointed, near the edge of the road, "Yeah it is."

"Want to pick some?" Sebastian asked.

Cam moved to the wild purple flowers, giving us a moment of privacy. It annoyed me, still he tried to protect me –Mira's body. My eyes closed as I struggled to collect myself. This feeling, I couldn't explain it. It was a horrid feeling and I-

"Your having an anxiety attack," he whispered, "Take a deep breath. You're ok."

I heaved in air, "I-I am not."

He sighed, "Come on Zero, you may be immoral but you're not immune to emotions. It's alright to feel anxious or panicked. I'm sorry for snapping at you, just take a breath Zero. You're alright. Shh, it's alright."

Much to my dismay, his words calmed me quickly. I let my eyes shut as my breath steadied and my heart calmed. Only to be filled with anger. I was so angry that I was so weak. I was supposed to be the thing that killed this world and this stupid man's words had me gasping for air?

"Zero?" he asked gently.

My head shot up to him, my eyes burning, "Let's go. I want to reach the Wolf Cove before nightfall. Stop delaying us."

With that, I stomped past him and down the road. Up ahead was the stumbling corpse of a small girl. Her muddy hair was in chunks, her sundress dirty and tattered. I could hear Cam gasp behind me, I suppose the image of her was quiet jarring but I couldn't decide if it was because of the arm that hung from her size in so many bent angles or if it was the single loop of intestines that hung from her.

I'd ask him later.

"Be careful Mira," he whispered.

My eyes rolled and I pulled my blade from it's home at my side. The girl was small so I didn't even need to use two hands but instead one firm swing. The blade bit into the side of her skull and moved upwards. She paused as if I hadn't moved and within seconds, her legs buckled as the top of her head slid off the bottom part.

"We need to move faster," I snapped growing annoyed.

So we did, silently. With the breeze tickling among the trees and occasional faint moans of the dead. Eventually however, there was another noise that rose. An electric buzzing. I remembered the noise from when Mira had last been here. It wasn't long before we made our way to the gate. To my surprise, Alpha stood outside, talking to the other two guards.

"Hey Alpha!" Cam yelled brightly.

Alpha turned, his eyes widening as they landed on Sebastian then myself. As his eyes stifted to me his posture stiffened and his eyes narrowed. We stopped a few feet away were Cam moved to greet the two guards. I stared at the brute but stupid man.

He frowned, "You're not Mira."

I hummed, a grin on my face, "Hello to you too."

Maybe he wasn't as stupid as I remembered.        

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