Chapter 232 ~ Eventful Dinner

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Two carriages pulled by two sets of pure white horses each made their way to the royal palace of Arcland.

At first glance, the carriages were very large and clearly of high quality, but unremarkable otherwise, especially when compared to the luxurious carriages decorated in gold belonging to high ranking nobles.

However, with a keen eye in craftsmanship and magic, these carriages were, in reality, on par with even the national treasures of the Arcland kingdom.

Each and every part of the carriage was enchanted to be extremely durable and protected from any physical damage, or even magical attacks. The bridle and harness of the horses were also enchanted with stamina-restoration and endurance, allowing the horses to travel across more distances in a shorter period of time. And to further ensure comfort, suspensions made from Leon's knowledge of automobiles were also added.

Meanwhile, the interior of the carriages were even more wondrous than even the carriages used by the royal family before Leon gifted them one similar to his.

A wide, spacious area enough to fit 10 people, foldable tables, cushions made of the finest cotton and silk, various little compartments for storage, a compartment specially for tea sets and dining sets, and even a newly added compartment for a small refrigerator. It was a truly luxurious carriage that ensured enjoyment and comfort during their travels, may it be long or short.

In the leading carriage, Leon, Freya, Vyra, Lily, Charlotte, Jeanne, Aura, Vivian, and Celestine spent their time chatting over some tea and snacks. Leon busied himself by feeding Charlotte her cookies while she leaned back lazily on his lap and, occasionally, Aura and Vivian as well who were sticking close to his side.

Meanwhile, on the other carriage, Mia, Rafael, Laura, Alex, Vincent, Victoria, and Lilith spent their time playing some cards that they've brought from the mansion using the foldable table, while Sonya slept peacefully despite the ruckus.

Having started their journey an hour after lunch, they quickly arrived in the royal castle by afternoon with a leisurely pace.

The moment they arrived, their carriages were immediately escorted by the royal guards, who had been expecting their arrival, after a quick identity check. Their carriages were immediately taken care of the moment they alighted from it, and they were all escorted by the royal guards to a private meeting chamber where the princess was already waiting for them.

Opening the enormous double doors to the private meeting chamber, the royal guards stepped to the side allowing Leon and the others to enter.

Within, Aria, dressed beautifully in a pure white dress with golden flower pattern embroideries along her light sleeves and edge of her dress, stood up along with Iris, who was dressed in her dark crimson militaristic uniform with gold and silver adornments.

"Welcome, everyone~ We have been expecting your arrival~"

Aria greeted everyone with a light bow as her eyes sparkled in excitement and her cheeks slightly blushing. It has been quite a while since she could meet her beloved and dear friends. Iris was similarly smiling ever so softly as she gazed at Leon in an especially passionate manner.

The moment the door was closed by the royal guards, Aria immediately approached Leon and fell into his embrace, hugging him ever so tightly with all the strength her body could muster before sharing a short kiss.

"I've missed you so much, dearest."

"I've missed you as well. It can't be helped since we've been quite busy with our own duties. But I promise to make some time soon to meet you more frequently."

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