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    "You know, Rem, if you wanted to sneak up on me, you're going to have to do a lot better job than that," (Y/N) claimed that same night after having dinner with Light, currently sitting at her desk studying on her own for the college entrance exams that were only five days away. "Especially considering I'm able to see you and your shadow from your extra Death Note that you so graciously allowed me to keep."

"I wasn't trying to do anything of the sort," Rem announced, her bony body creaking with each movement she made.

(Y/N) turned around to look at the Shinigami looming behind her, wondering what had made her suddenly decide to seek her out after meeting for the first time so many months ago.

    She was curious, if anything.

    "Then, what were you trying to do?" The girl tilted her head. "Catch my attention, no doubt."

    "You are correct in that instance," Rem nodded, her one, uncovered yellow eyes glowing dangerously in the darkness of the room—the only source of light being from the lone lamp sitting on (Y/N)'s desk. "You wouldn't know, but I've been observing you and the human known as Kira to the world. Yet, you don't bring him in. You seem, amused, almost. Like this were all just a game to you."

    "I am amused, yes," (Y/N) smiled as she crossed one leg over the other. "Wouldn't you be in this situation?"

    "All humans are vile," Rem answered.

    "With the exception of one?"

    "I have chosen to look after Misa because of reasons you do not need to know. You and other humans watching each other suffer isn't a form of enjoyment I would participate in."

    "Therefore it's vile?"


    "Then why are you here visiting such a 'vile' human, as you say?" (Y/N) tapped a finger against the surface of her desk the longer she stared at Rem, wondering just what the God of Death was getting at for suddenly appearing and striking up a conversation with her. "I assume you aren't here for any pleasantries."

    "I come here with only one purpose: to take back Misa's Death Note," Rem revealed.


    "Because I know that if she has it, she will be protected."

    "What of Kira?"

    Rem lifted her head.

    She knew exactly what (Y/N) was talking about.

    "Misa has the will to make her own choices, and I accept that," Rem finally spoke again, ignoring the way (Y/N)'s eyes narrowed to a dangerous point while her lips turned downwards into a scowl—an expression that clearly showed she was threatened by her words. "If she has her Death Note and memories, and still chooses to seek Kira out, I cannot stop her. I do not trust her safety at your words. I also do not trust allowing you to handle the power of the Death Note much longer, even if you hadn't used it up until now."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now