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As soon as Light was called about his father's heart attack, he, L, and (Y/N) were immediately picked up by Watari who promptly drove them to the hospital. Now, all three of them sat beside Soichiro. He looked extremely tired with a pale complexion and shadows resting below his worn and tired eyes. Fortunately, he was still alive, doctors believing that stress had been the only cause and not Kira.

Many sighs of relief were made.

"So, Ryuzaki," Soichiro exhaled softly, his head turning in L's direction—the detective's sudden different name was explained to Light and (Y/N) earlier. "Now that you've had the chance to talk to my son and (Y/N), are they cleared as suspects?"

    "When I say I suspect them, you should know it's very minor," L sat down in one of the chairs provided by the hospital bed, once more pulling his knees to his chest. "We've gone over this, but I'll explain it again. Not long ago, twelve FBI agents came to Japan and investigated the police force and their families. When nothing yielded from their reports, I placed wiretaps and cameras in the investigated's houses. Even still, there were no factors that could clue me in to Kira's identity."

    "So why suspect me and (Y/N) at all, then?" Light inquired, his eyes narrowing slightly.

    "Because... one of the agents exhibited unusual behavior before he left," L mused as he pressed his thumb to his lips. "And it was directly after a bus jacking that recently happened to you, Light, and after coming into contact with (Y/N). He was also the one assigned to you, Light, so naturally you can understand why I'm suspicious, yes?"

    Light's brow twitched. He knew that Raye hadn't been following him that day, but at the same time, he couldn't reveal that he knew that, either.

(Y/N) internally cursed.

Goddammit, Raye Penber...

    "I understand," Light instead nodded as he leaned back in his own chair. "Though, what does (Y/N) have to do with the agent?"

"He mentioned her name in his last report saying that he had met with her, albeit briefly," L answered, turning his owlish gaze to the girl. "Though, he didn't specify the context in how and why they met. So yes, I do find that suspicious since the FBI are very thorough in their reports."

"Not only that, but also because I moved in right next to your family and immediately became close to you not long after," (Y/N) added on as she spoke to Light and Soichiro, shaking her head with a small chuckle. "He thought I was hacking Mr. Yagami's files or something, and here we are now."

    "It was a bit more complicated than that, (Y/N)," the detective ran a hand through his raven hair. "The file I read about you was quite interesting. Your background, especially."

She stiffened upon hearing L's words, knowing that the one thing that stayed true upon her transmigration was her past—something she truly wished she didn't have to remember. Light, noticing the slight shift in her manner and knowing how her parents affected her, was intrigued. She so rarely reacted to anything, always making sure to keep a cool facade that could never be broken, but when it came to any mention of her parents, such a fact was broken entirely.

And Light wanted to know more.

"I came to Japan for an opportunity, L," (Y/N) stated coldly. "That's all there is to it."

"I'm sure you did, but reading your file was a necessary precaution to know all about you since, as I remember it, someone once said that I must consider all possibilities," L cooly replied, his dark eyes staring at her—seemingly through her—and penetrating deep into her soul, ripping apart all of the walls she had built around herself.

It made her feel like she couldn't even breathe.

"Anyways, I would like for you and Light to start calling me 'Ryuzaki' from now on," L continued as he tore his eyes away from (Y/N). "I'm sure I don't need to explain why."

    "No," (Y/N) turned away as well. "You don't."

    The room was stifled with broiling tension between the detective and woman, and both Light and Soichiro couldn't help but exchange a glance. For Light, it was unusual to see (Y/N) so defensive about one thing, completely shedding her at ease mask that she so normally donned. For Soichiro, in the small time frame since he had known him, had never seen L so intrigued yet so completely brutal to one particular person.

    It was startling to them, to say the least.

    "Ryuzaki, considering everything you've told us and with my father erasing any suspicions about your identity, I believe I would like to take you up on your offer of helping with the investigation," Light was quick to turn the topic of the conversation away from the bristling subject of (Y/N)'s past.

    "No, Light," Soichiro weakly protested, not even able to lift his head off of the pillow. "This is a time in your life where you should be studying to become a police officer. It won't be too late to join us once you're done."

    Light obviously protested.

    True, he was a bit concerned about honoring his father's wishes, but at the same time, as Kira, he needed proper intel from inside the investigation.

    He couldn't let such an opportunity pass.

    Eventually, after the topic of conversation switched around, the three were finally kicked out of Soichiro's room when the nurse came in to inform them that visiting hours had ended ten minutes ago. (Y/N) wasn't too particularly sad about that, having drawn in on herself after the entire topic of her past arose in the discussion.

    Her fingers curled into fists at her sides.

    She hated this.

    Being so weak to her emotions.

    But what could she do when the shadow of her monstrous father still clung on to her?

    But what could she do when the shadow of her monstrous father still clung on to her?

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