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    "So, after running through ticket information and then narrowing down who was in the same cart as the victim, we compiled a list of twenty people excluding the victim," Aizawa began as he clicked a few keys on the computer to reveal pictures of several people all of different ages and backgrounds. "They are the only ones who could be Kira."

    (Y/N) zeroed in on Teru.

    "What about that one there?" L questioned as he pointed his fork at Teru's picture, having obtained a slice of cake from Watari since (Y/N) and her own cake made him start craving the sweet.

    "That's Mikami Teru, prosecutor," Aizawa answered, clicking a key to enlarge his picture.

    "Hm... even his job is in alignment with Kira's doings," L muttered, cupping his chin as he stared at Teru's picture, his dark eyes unwavering. "Punishing criminals... huh?" Biting the tip of his thumb as he blinked slowly, he continued gazing at Teru's picture before continuing, "We'll make sure to take the proper measures of investigating everyone in this car, but... for Mikami Teru especially, I want all of you to focus your attention on him."

    "Oh?" Matsuda blinked. "Does that mean you suspect him more than the others?"

    "Maybe..." he mumbled.

    "And if he is Kira, how would we apprehend him?" Aizawa demanded as he set one hand on his hip, his stare stoic and unmoving "And what if it turns out you're wrong about him?"

    "Then we were wrong," L answered simply enough. "And we'll amend that."

    "If we want to focus our sights more so on Mikami Teru, should he be assigned a tail, then?" (Y/N) pointed out as she drummed her fingers against the arm of her chair, her eyes roving over the metallic ceiling. "To get a view into his daily life, to see if there are any inconsistencies, to see if he slips up at one long or another... there should be someone there to confirm all of that, correct?"

    "Yes," L nodded.

    "If that's the case, I will follow him," she then declared, making L jolt and drop his fork—Light's reaction wasn't much better.

"What?" Light scoffed as he stood up, a disbelieving smile tilting his lips upward. "What do you mean? Where did this idea even come from? Why would you need to follow him?"

"I'm a part of this Task Force, so why wouldn't I?" She countered with a raised brow.

"And as a part of this Task Force, you've been an unrivaled addition," L murmured as he picked up his fork again, now merely staring at the way the metal shimmered in the overhead lighting. "If you go out there and get killed by Mikami Teru if he is Kira, then everything will be... useless. And I don't think I ever want to see such a thing."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now