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    It wasn't long before Higuchi arrived at Yoshida Productions were Mogi and a team were lying in wait for him, typing in the passcode before throwing open the door and briskly walking inside. Winding down the halls and cubicles, he then crouched down beside a drawer of files to rifle through them, finally picking one out that was labeled with the name 'Taichiro Yamashita.' His grin then turned maniacal as he took out the Death Note to copy the name down before replacing everything back to what it once was, walking away in a confident manner.

    Of course, this was all seen by the Task Force via tapped security feeds.

     "He's not doing it..." Light exclaimed before slamming a hand on the table, his jaw tightening. "He just made a note of his name before leaving. Does that means he's not going to try and kill Matsuda there?"

    "Maybe it's a process?" (Y/N) suggested with a shrug of her shoulders. "If he kills through a name and face, he has both. We just need to wait and see what he does with that information."

     "(Y/N)'s right," L cut in, turning his dark gaze to both of them. "It will do us no good if we don't continue observing."

    Mogi, as per L's orders, didn't move to apprehend Higuchi as planned since he didn't present any show of his killing power. And as the screen changed over to the camera focused on the driver's side to where Higuchi casually and very calmly placed his keys in the ignition to start the car, it was obvious to the Task Force that he was not as frantic as he was before when arriving.

    Something had shifted.

    "It's weird," Light noted, his eyes narrowing. "You'd think he'd be desperate to kill Matsuda this very second but... he's calm."

   "Yes, it is strange," L mused as he tilted his head further upwards to observe Higuchi's expression through the large screen in front of him. "If all he needed was the name, he would have taken the personal file with him. But he just put it back in its drawer after taking the note."

    They continued watching.

    And after a moment of stretched silence filling the room, Higuchi then abruptly slammed his hands against the wheel as he shouted out, "Damn! He didn't die!"

    His anger flourished once more.

    L focused his gaze on the angered man on screen, completely tuning out the confused and worried conversations around him. There was something very off about everything that had been happening so far, but he couldn't put his finger on as to what, and the fact was really starting to bother him. Biting his thumb's cuticle in an agitated manner, the detective could only just sit there.

    "Only fifty minutes until the big Kira announcement!" The announcer from the program declared, snapping L from his thoughts and making Higuchi over the video shake in anger.

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