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A week after Matsuda first broke into Yotsuba, Wedy had already been able to place wiretaps and video monitors throughout the room on the nineteenth floor of the building where the businessmen held their secret meetings about who Kira would kill. Not only that, but Misa's regular test-interviews with Aiber were proceeding smoothly after he had been able to contact Yotsuba as Eraldo Coil.

Everything was going well.

And as L, Light, (Y/N), and the rest of the Task Force excluding Misa, Wedy, and Aiber sat in front of the glowing computer monitors that displayed the conference room where the successors of Yotsuba sat at a circular table, a tense silence filled the space at what they were hearing.

    "Kira? Deaths by accident? By disease? Designated times of death? It's all just as we suspected. We were right," Light announced as he turned his gaze towards L who was sitting beside him.

    "No," L denied. "Unfortunately, we can only be completely sure after those people they've named are dead. We will continue to monitor these meetings and take note of what they say, how they act, and most importantly whether the people they choose actually die." Cautiously lifting a spoon to his face that held a trembling marshmallow tower balancing on top, he then continued, "If we can confirm the connection between their plans and the deaths, then we'll definitely be able to catch Kira."

    Just as he was about to eat the tower, both Soichiro and Light shouted his name in frustration, causing the marshmallows to topple, only one being able to make it into his mouth.

    "What is it?" He then demanded, furrowing his eyebrows as he glanced back and forth between the pair. "There's no need to yell in unison."

    "I can't just carry on knowing these people will die!" Light yelled, glaring at him sharply. "That's just immoral!"

"Light, Mr. Yagami, you know why it's not that simple to just arrest these seven men," (Y/N) sighed, her eyes glancing over the empty chair of the man who had been killed off by Higuchi just because he didn't want to be a part of the meetings anymore. "While I do understand what you're saying, I also understand that what Ryuzaki is suggesting is right. If we take action now, everything will go to waste."

"But with Matsuda's testimony and this footage we've recorded, we have all the evidence we need to put them away," Soichiro declared firmly.

The three continued arguing.

(Y/N) could only sigh.

Then, movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention, and imagine her surprise when seeing Ryuk floating towards her. He looked the same as he always did, that eerie smile stretching across his face that the haunting light of Headquarters only further illuminated. She hadn't seen much of him lately as he had been true to her request of staying with Higuchi despite his weekly drop-ins for his apples.

But now wasn't one of those times.

What does he want?

And... what is he up to now?

"Hey, (Y/N)," Ryuk greeted with a raspy chuckle, knowing she couldn't respond back. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Her eyes narrowed.

"No need to look so hostile, I just came to check up on you out of the goodness of my heart," the Shinigami laughed even harder, especially since both knew he didn't do anything for such reasons. "Well, all I wanted to do was tell you what I've noticed while sticking around here. I'm sure you'll be interested since it relates entirely to you."

Her eyes then widened when she heard this, turning slightly in his direction.

What is he talking about?

"You must be thinking what I'm about to tell you, but let me clue you in on something. Do you know what a human's greatest weakness is?"

(Y/N) obviously couldn't answer.

So, Ryuk continued anyway.

"A human's greatest weakness... is their feelings. Take that away, and they are capable of crime. But, fill them with a feeling that strengthens rather than weakens can make them capable of murder," he resumed, his answer sending small chills up her spine. "And that is when a human's weakness turns into a weapon."

Her nose wrinkled.

It was a clear sign of: Why the hell are you telling me this so suddenly?

    Ryuk merely gave her a shit-eating grin and a shrug before walking through the walls and disappearing, allowing his information to slowly sink into her thoughts. And it seemed to have worked since it only tightened her expression as new sets of questions rushed through her mind.

    Why tell me something so vague?

    And how does that relate to me?

Goddammit, Ryuk.

How many apples is it gonna take for you to be transparent with me?

    He's probably extorting me.


Tuning back in to the conversation at hand, Light currently speaking to Reiji as L, she nodded along when he was able to convince the young businessman to delay the death that the Yotsuba members had decided on. While it did go against what she and L were saying, it pointed them in a better direction where someone wouldn't have to die for the uncovering of Kira.

We're heading in the right direction.

I didn't want to involve Misa, but considering she's not a threat at the moment, it's fine.

Soon, we'll have Higuchi arrested.

And when that happens, I'll force him to give up his memories of the Death Note since, if he die by heart attack, it'll just prove there's another Kira still.

And I can't have that.

If I want this investigation to close without anyone's death, I'll do whatever it takes.

(Y/N)'s jaw tightened.

Whatever it takes.

    Whatever it takes

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