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A day later, (Y/N) got a hit on Yotsuba.

"Guys, I think I found something important," she announced to both L and Light as she clicked around some more before finally pulling up one of the files she had saved from researching Yostuba earlier. "As a theory, we all agreed that Kira might be someone within the group, correct?"

    L nodded.

    "Well, considering that all deaths have been prominent businessmen who were threats to Yotsuba's industry, I have to suspect that Kira most likely is one of the Heads of one of the departments or some other high ranking official within the group," she further explained. "They'll be the ones to know who influence what in the other other companies. Furthermore, these killings also highlight that whoever Kira is, is someone that is greedy—basically, they want a high status in society. So, in conclusion, I think the main suspects are either Kyosuke Higuchi, Reiji Namikawa, or Takeshi Ooi."

Three photos appeared on screen.

The first was of Takeshi Ooi, a stern looking man with piercing eyes and no hair, a permanent frown resting on his lips. The second was of Reiji Namikawa who, in (Y/N)'s opinion, was one of the better looking men in the anime with long dark hair settled neatly around his shoulders, brown eyes as sharp as his expression, and lips set in a firm line.

    And lastly, the one she hoped L would focus on: Kyosuke Higuchi, the third Kira.

    Initially, she didn't mind him that much, but when he showed his perverted side towards Misa, a girl many years younger than he, she wanted him to die. Not only that, but his desperation made her recoil. And although (Y/N) didn't seem Misa one of the most likable characters when it came to her actions, she still admired her as someone from the show, and definitely knew that she shouldn't be hanging around someone like Higuchi.

    Narrowing her eyes at the older man, she couldn't help but find his smug smirk irritating.

    "That information is deeply valuable, especially coming from you." L uttered, the compliment making her flush in pride. "Thank you, (Y/N)."


I certainly can get used to praise like that.

Giving L a small smile, she then returned back to her work while he and Light did the same. However, not even a moment later, Soichiro burst through the doors with a stack of papers in hand.

"Apologies for the commotion, but I needed to bring this to your attention, Ryuzaki," Soichiro cleared his throat and straightened his attire. "After going over this again, I noticed something. All the deaths which are beneficial to Yotsuba are concentrated around the weekends. With the first few victims, the time of death appears to have been random. More recently they all take place between Friday night and Saturday afternoon."

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