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"Sorry we're late!" (Y/N) called as she and Light walked into the hotel room where L and the Task Force were currently stationed. "This place was a bit farther than last time, and traffic was not the best. Sorry, Ryuzaki."

"It's quite alright," the detective turned in his seat to face her. "I would never blame you for something as uncontrollable as traffic."

"Thank you..." she murmured.

Silence descended the room as the two stared at each other, Light glancing back and forth between them with unbridled and obvious jealousy. It was clear that something had happened between L and (Y/N), and he wasn't sure if he wanted to know or didn't want to know. It was a tug-of-war that he desperately tried not to overthink, but such a thing was hard to do. And for someone like Light who naturally thought that he, as a gifted individual, would always get what he wanted, it was a hard fact to swallow.

    "Speaking of..." Light then snapped as he placed a protective hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder, his eyes boring into L's own. "Do you think we could come up with some kind of alternative to this system of moving from hotel to hotel every few days?"

    "Wow, Light," the girl chuckled as she patted his hand. "It's like you read my mind."

He swallowed thickly at that.

"Yes," L interrupted with a slightly irritated tone, beckoning for Light, (Y/N), and the Task Force to follow him as he walked over to his computer sitting down on a nearby table. "In fact, I had the very same thought some time ago. And so I arranged for a facility to be built. Construction started right after my first meeting with Mr. Yagami and the others. It should be finished in a few days." Sitting down to type, everyone else crowding around him, he hummed, "Mm, where is it... here it is."

With a click of a button, a massive building was then displayed on screen that dwarfed the ones around it. An audible gasp could be heard from everyone around L as they stared at the image, throughly impressed.

"This... is amazing!" Light commented as he peered over the blue print.

"Twenty-three floors above ground and two below—and although it's impossible to see it from the outside, there are two helicopters hidden on the roof," L spoke, clicking a few keys to show more aspects of the building. "Ideally, I want all of us to send as much time here as possible. If the investigation team grows, we can accommodate up to sixty people."

"So... you want us to live there?" (Y/N) re-worded, more than ready to accept.

"If you're willing, yes," L nodded, giving a brief curl upwards of his lips. "I'm sure you won't have any complaints, since, naturally, you will be given your own floor."

    (Y/N)'s smirk grew.

    "This is truly impressive," Light apple through grit teeth. "To go to such lengths..."

    "Yeah, hold on a second," Matsuda interrupted, holding up a hand as he blinked in bewilderment at the expansive and sleek building. "Where did you find the finances to build this thing?"

"As you can see, it is my intention to solve this case, no matter what, and no matter how long it takes," L stated quite adamantly as he stared at the computer monitor, the glowing screen illuminating in his eyes. "I'm sure you're all aware that the number of death tolls credited to Kira or the second Kira have dwindled, and as of today, have completely stopped. It's concerning, to say the least, since it gives us no credible evidence to track them down. But I won't be swayed. I will find Kira, the second Kira, and whoever else out there who commits mass murder by heart attack. No matter what, I will have them behind bars for the taking of a human life—several, in that matter."

    "And we commend you for that, Ryuzaki," Soichiro nodded, completely with the detective in terms of not giving up the notion of convicting Kira. "We wouldn't have gotten this far without you, so no matter how long it takes, we will find Kira."

    "Make no mistake of that," Aizawa set a hand on Soichiro's shoulder with a confident smile.

    Mogi gave a stoic nod.

    Matsuda cheered.

    (Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest as she lifted her head, her (E/C) gaze crossing the inspired expressions of the Task Force—inspired by L's resilience and never-give-up attitude. And needless to say, she was all but on board with the entire process. Excitement then rushed through her in a sudden wave at the realization of what was to come. Having the opportunity to live in the newly constructed Headquarters was something she was more than grateful for since she would be watching her two favorite characters battle it out in a game of wits—a game she knew all too well.

    Of course, it wouldn't be the same in her game.

    She then let her gaze wander upwards to the ceiling in thought, thinking of Misa's absence.

    I wonder...

    Considering what I'm planning, I need to test out what I'm thinking.


    There is a risk involved.


    "Hey, (Y/N)," Light suddenly snapped her from his thoughts when he set a hand on her shoulder, looking concerned.

    "Yes?" She met his eyes.

    "Are you okay? You look... distracted."

    "Oh, I'm fine," (Y/N) waved away his concerns with a smile, stretching her arms above her head with a small grunt before letting out a long exhale of breath. "Just deciding when I'm going to move in. I certainly won't pass up the opportunity to love her for the next couple of months. And with a whole floor to myself? I have to say that L certainly knows how to spoil and please me."

    L twitched at her words.

    For even though they were said so innocently, he didn't interpret them as such. Just his thoughts alone made his entire body heat up.

    L placed a hand over his mouth.



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